My phone dings many times, so much that I can't keep track of how many messages are coming in. I wait until my phone unfreezes and check the messages app. One is from Jake when we first gave him my number to contact us, and most of them are from my parents and some are from Dylan. My heart drops at seeing the unread messages from Dylan and decide to ignore it for now. I open up Jake's first and roll my eyes.

'Hey, sweet cheeks. Keep my number permanently ;)'

I save his number and then move over to my parents. They called me 53 times and left so many messages. I listen to all of them and then read their messages. They are so sad and upset at me being gone. They called an entire police group to find me and I'm being watched everywhere. I sigh and put my hand on my forehead.

Ryland comes into the room and sees me on the ground. He sits next to me, "What's wrong?" I put my phone down so he can't see it. I don't want him to know about Dylan. "Um..." I start off, "I saw the messages from Jake and my parents. They have an ongoing search for me. I don't know what's going to happen."

He curses under his breath and stands up. Running a hand through his hair, he looks out the window, "We should head out. The farther we go, the lesser chance we have of getting caught."

"What if I text my parents that I'm on my own mini vacation? They would call off the search and it would be over." I ask him. My parents know about the whole Dylan situation, so if I told them I left for a while to get some fresh air and a new perspective, they would let me go. They'd suggest bodyguards for me and wouldn't want me to go this far out, but I could convince them. They'd yell at me for years that I didn't tell them beforehand.

He shakes his head, "No." He walks out the room and grabs his stuff. I follow him and get my things in order, taking my phone off the charger, only getting ten percent charged. I shut off my phone and wonder if I should take Jake's charger since he took some money off of me. Con the con-artist. Ryland sees me looking at the charger and walks over to it, unplugging it from the wall and stuffing it into my backpack. I'm laughing at him taking a notepad and drawing a smiley face on it.

Ryland smirks and grabs my elbow to lead me out the door. We make sure the coast is clear before walking on the streets and then hide by the buildings. We walk for most of the day, stopping for food twice, and then finally leave this edge of the city. It's barely daylight outside, but we finally made it to a new city that has the fortuneteller! We get to a city map and navigate our way to her shop.

"Now when we get there, we can't waste her time. That means, get your questions in order now so that when we pay for our time with her, we don't get scammed." He tells me. He instructs me to let him do most of the talking unless I absolutely need to. We don't need any unwanted attention to the Pack's missing girl.

This side of the city is a little shady with very old homes and sketchy businesses, but it is better than the last city we were in. We see a very colorful sign that matches the poster we say in the flier. We head to the older woman standing outside of her small building. The place has a purple tarp in front of the door with some beading cascading down the entrance of the door. There are some passersby's walking around, but it looks like she doesn't have anyone with her right now. Ryland walks up to her and I stop next to him.

She looks to us with a smile, "Hello, young folk! Do you wish to use my services?"

Ryland nods his head, "Yes. We traveled far to get here."

She extends her hand to shake Ryland's and her smile fades. She looks at me and I offer her my hand, she takes it and her smile disappears. Her lips are in a firm line, "You know, my services are very expensive. Please use your money wisely in other places."

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