My BTS husband meets my AOMG husband pt.2

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To be continued...

Me: *Still being pulled back and forth*
I'm pregnant with his baby-
Them: *In unison* WHAT!?!
Them: *Let's go*
Me: I'm having twins
Them: *yes-ing in unison*
Me: Except... One is Namjoons and the other is Jay's
DaddyJay: ...whoa
DaddyJoon: Well then.... I'm smarter so I should take care of them
DaddyJay: So? I have more money
DaddyJoon: Money isn't everything
DaddyJay: Yeah but money pays for college before they are even born-
Me: Will you both shut...the fuck...up
Them: *shuts up*
Me: *Sits in front of them* Now...I fucked you *motions toward Jay* and I fucked you *Motions toward Joonie*  what do you want me to say?
Jay: Whose going to take care of them?
Me: Both of you. Jay, you have a big ass house we three...*rubs my stomach* Us five....can live at your place.
Namjoon: But-
Me: No if, and's or but's about it
Jay: *Moves to sit next to me* I...think its a great idea. Plus it will give me the luxury of seeing you everyday
Namjoon: *Clenches his fist*

To be continued...

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