BTS when you slap them when arguing

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Jin: I think Jin would be speechless and probably start crying.
*Slap*"*sniff*...i didnt mean to yell at sorry. Ill stop parenting you.*kisses*

Yoongi: He'd either get angrier or be caught completely off guard.
1.*slap*"What the fuck you bitch!?!"
2."wha-*slap* 0-0*silent* im sorry. Ill come home on time from the studio.*hugs you, kisses your forehead*

Jhope: Okay so we know how Hobi can get.
Hobi:*slap*"jagi....*waterworks* im sorry, i shouldn't have yelled. I promise ill stop coming home late from the dance studio.*hugs and cuddles*

Namjoon: *slap* -¤-
Completely speechless and a little bit afraid.

Jimin: *slap, stars talking to invisible friend*
"She just....and I...oh..oh okey"

Taehyung: *slap* o_o ... O_O

Jungkook: *slap, jungshook* 8∆9 *Gets slapped so hard his speech has a 5 second delay. * *mouths, 5 seconds* GOD...DAMN

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