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remember how you would always aim your gun directly at my heart? your bullets never missed. i mean how could they, you used to use your 'friends' for target practice. only God knows how they endured the pain of being shot at daily even after you added insult to injury by simply placing band-aids over their wounds.

sometimes you'd pull out your gun but you wouldn't shoot. the mere sight of it was enough to make my legs betray my body and my knees collide with the earth. you loved it didn't you? watching my lifeless body wallowing in blood, dirt and tears. you loved it!!! seeing me, helpless and in pain didn't you.


you didn't want your pain so you made me feel it too. maybe in a strange way, that sadism was your lifeline and i was just a strand of that rope that kept you from drowning. and maybe in an even stranger way, i didn't mind helping you. we were both in the same boat and it had capsized, throwing us into the same ocean of tears.

after all, you were a soft boy just like me.

i know what it looks like to be dead inside. no amount of plastic surgery can hide what your eyes have seen. and believe me when i say, i know eyes that have seen sadness.

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