Interlude 2

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Author's Note
So....this is another quick break in the story in which I'm giving you guys another little piece of new & info.
First of all, MY BOOK IS ALMOST AT 3K VIEWS which is INSANE because I started this just over a week ago. I'm also currently ranking #80 and I'm so amazed that I'm in the top 100. But all in all I'd like to thank you guys (my readers) because none of this would have been possible without your votes, comments and constant support.
Ok, secondly, the next few chapters of iii. spill
are gonna revolve around the age old poetry theme relationships, love and heartbreak etc. because I've been getting multiple requests to do so since you guys loved the few I did in
ii. bottled tears.
For those who care, here's a little back story. The poems will be about a person I once had a crush on during my darker times (back in bottled tears) and they never really could get past all of my 'flaws' at that moment in time, but around the time spill is set in they tell me they have feelings for me (and I completely disregard the fact that they could accept me at my lowest) which makes my sorry ass go running back as if they didn't hurt me. And for a while it was enjoyable but it came to a point when I felt that I couldn't truly be myself around them. So I told them that they should accept all of me or none of me and they chose none sooo...
I guess.
I don't talk about this relationship for various reasons and I know once my friends read this they'll start bugging me to answer their questions....
but. I. Ain't. Gonna.
So yeah.... I have nothing left to say now so.

~ insmniac

men don't cry [Poetry]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat