Part 3: Aftermath

Start from the beginning

"What do you mean do about it?" Edward politely refutes, "For now, nothing, but later on, maybe in Nassau, I'll be sure to mention it. I suppose the rest would want to find out."

Ade nods, "I agree with that course of action, I'm sure Master Kidd and Captain Thatch would want to hear this incident. But as for the ship itself, what if it's still out there? Did you see how it just suddenly appeared out of the fog? Like a bird out of the clouds!"

Edward took Ade's analogies to note, as he wasn't wrong.

The Prince in literally one foul swoop, managed to both disable the Jackdaw slightly on the rudder, and hurt it's mainmast and crew. All with the most upmost accuracy.

"Aye, damn fine gunnery crew the possess," Edward compliments, reflecting on his adversary, "How about we sail for Nassau tomorrow? It's not too far from here, and we'll go and repair the ship. Maybe let the crew stretch their legs for a while.."

Ade laughs, "Sounds good to me, I'll set a course first thing tomorrow," He walks off, going down the ships steps.

Edward arches a brow, playing with him, "Why not set a course right now?"

"Because I'm as tired as a whale!" Adewale laughs, not looking back when talking and walking.

For Edward, he went to his cabin and slowly undressed for the night.

His weapons were placed neatly on the table, except for one small knife under his bed, in case of a mutiny.

Edward then crawled into his raggedy bed, with it creaking loudly as he did so.

With the sounds of the sea overlapping his ears, he slowly drifted to sleep, losing all troubles and thoughts as he did so...


Edward then awoke suddenly, he woke up in a cottage. With no clue where he was.

"Wha? Where am I?" He asked, frantically looking around in all sides and directions. He was completely clueless to where he was. His eyes searched in some directions.

He did that, until only moments later, he heard the feminine voice of a woman, with the English accent showing as ever.

Edward shifts his gaze towards the voice, in which, he sees her.


"Edward, are you alright?" She asked confused, looking at Edward with worried eyes.

For the love of God, she was still just as beautiful as he remembered. Her gaze at Edward hinted at a more worried look, as the reaction of him seemed worrying to her.

"Wha-" He stutters, looking around, "Caroline, where am I?"

She arches a brow, leveling different, "Your here, with me, are you alright?"

Edward immediately shifts his thoughts to other matters. Was this a dream? Or was he actually here? Let alone, what was even happening?

"The isn't a dream, is it?" Edward oblivious, asks her.

Caroline rolls her eyes, "No, your here. Did those fisherman down at the docks get to your head?"

Edward scoffs playfully, "What? No, I'm perfectly fine."

"This is weird, I was just on the Jackdaw, and now I'm here?" He thinks to himself.

"I think I just had a bad dream, that's all," Edward reassures, putting his soft hand on her cheek, slight caressing it slowly and lightly.

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