Vs. Cyberpunk

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Cyberpunk stated that if he will not fight an android tonight, he will fight and kill a girl instead, telling Bianca that he will beat her until she starts begging for him to stop. Bianca got in a pose and waited for Cyberpunk to attack, however, she was still weakened by the Necro-Bots used against her. Cyberpunk's prosthetics makes him a fast opponent and he nearly cut down Bianca. Cyberpunk was quite a touch opponent, for was fighting more defensively as he came in close, however, Bianca was able to use some gadgets to destroy the metal parts on Cyberpunk's body as soon as she got behind him, rendering him nothing more but body without prosthetics, whereas he has no legs or arms after the fight and left there unconscious. Bianca was able to check the parts broken off his body and told Brian via comms that the fighters on this island is using some weird nanotechnology weapon that is able to weaken her and her suit, adding her suit reverted to a soft recovering state until it regains more energy.

Yuk had his men go in and deal with the intruder, however, he was happy as well because he seen the fight that Cyberpunk lost, and know it was "his girl" that has returned to her, he was loud about this that Terrai and the others heard this. More of Tala's enemies also aided in the fight against Bianca, with most of them being armed with energy based weapons. Brian told Bianca what happen to stealth, to which Bianca stated that the she had a plan B, stating it is her go-guns-blazing plan before she cut the comms again. Bianca was too quick for them despite her still being weakened, but eventually her armor had recovered part by part, slowly becoming a threat to her enemies. Bianca was able to overpower them due to her foes using mostly energy based weapons, she was able to discharge and destroy them at will when she gets in close. She was able to takedown, kill, and injure 10 of Yuk's men and the remaining 19 Frust Kongo Fighters, making her way into the lobby, to the second floor, taking down 6 more of Yuk's men in order to get to the 3rd floor where Yuk is waiting for her, and at this point, Bianca grew careless and cared only for vengeance, no matter how tired, injured and weak she is, she wanted to hurt Black Shadow where it hurts.

Yuk was companied by his other follower, who aided him in kidnapping Bianca a long time ago. This man was dubbed as The Clerk, and had been visiting Yuk's Estate from time to time. He told Yuk that they can escape now, and wait for Jallen to come and deal with the intruder, however, Yuk was confident that he could stop Bianca with his new gadgets, knowing well who the Steel Maiden is now after witnessing Cyberpunk's fight with her. Bianca eventually clear out the mansion and headed straight to the chamber where Yuk supposedly hiding in, not knowing that Yuk was actually waiting for her arrival. Bianca was armed with a gun, and her suit had fully recovered. Brian tried to contact her a few times, however, Bianca wanted to make this fight personal, making sure her comms are closed, in doing so, Momoko suggested that they could get the police on Bianca's location, however Brian stated the area has to be cleared first, or else Yuk's men could retaliate and kill any of their captive if provoked by police, adding they should wait on Bianca, knowing she will prevail.

Bianca eventually got to the chamber, breaking down the door, with her gun in hand. She was immediately greeted by The Clerk. He was stunned because he'd never seen the Steel Maiden up close, being intimidated easily. Before anything could happen, Yuk intervened by making himself know by talking. Yuk, in a charismatic fashion, introduced Bianca to his home, joking of how she caused such a mess, that she now has blood on her hands, laughing as he said this. Bianca told Yuk that his reign is over, that once she is done with him, she's going for Borojei. Yuk laughed and told her that she won't be seeing Borojei anything soon; mocking her of her older claims by saying, over his dead body, Yuk activated a security measure for the room, with a metal door closing over where Bianca broke the chamber doors. Bianca said that sealing her inside the room with him is living being in the lion's den, but remarks to herself as the lion.

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