Dealing with The Bear For the Last Time

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Bianca was more of a dangerous opponent for the gangs to handle, even with Exo-Skeleton and tech they possess, Bianca had left some of her foes battered and broken, at time seen surrendering to her. Other times they hear stories about The Thailand Ninja and became fearful of her from what they have heard. Over time, Bianca worked her way to taking down members of The Bear one by one, even some among them that had been given the meta-drug, but still, didn't stand a chance against Bianca. Bianca's skill, coupled with her newfound abilities, make her one of the most dangerous fighters in all of Thailand, and due to her actions, it forced Elrina into a corner. For she needed to bolster up her forces and get more help from her allies to deal with the threat. More Russian gunmen were hired and moved to Thailand to help Elrina.  

Dragon Dairys - Story of Bianca AiresusWhere stories live. Discover now