» Hinata Shoyo / ??? | ???

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Title: Lost and Found again

I once told someone in my first year of high school that I loved him, but he shook his head and told me he couldn't feel the same. That he liked someone else at the moment. I knew this for a fact yet I didn't want to give up hope. Though, when he told me that his crush rejected him as well, I cheered for him to get better. That I would always be there for him. But we could no longer play around like we used to without him flinching at my every touch, without him avoiding me. So I watched him move onto better things and let him leave me behind.

It was better this way.

Present date

[Y/n] stretched out his arms, yawning as he made his way towards his classroom. He greeted his classmates while trudging his way towards his desk, humming as he thought about his busy schedule later. The [h/c]ette set his bag on the desk hanger, immediately slamming his head onto the wooden desk. He earned a snicker from his seat mate and only friend, Takamura Yuuji, who was busy eating some bun that would get confiscated if he got caught eating outside of lunch time.

"hmm..hmm..whf..hm?" Yuuji spoke with his mouth full of the sweet treat, earning a scrunched up nose look from [Y/n].

"Could you at least not talk to me with your mouth full for once. Please?" He grunted and reached into his bag to pull out a few napkins and tossed them to his friend, who caught them and wiped his face before swallowing the mouthfuls of bun he had stuffed inside his cheeks.

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say."

Yuuji grunted before wadding up the napkin and putting it into his bag to throw away later. "As I said before, what's up with you?" [Y/n] grunted and slammed his head onto the table again before shifting to look at his amused buddy.

He rolled his eyes before sitting up once more, leaning his chin onto his palm and he blinked slowly.
"I'm meeting up with Shoyo and his team today but they have someone in their team that I'm not...in good terms with." He grumbled.  Yuuji hummed and nodded his head slowly before pointing at his friend.

"Is it, y'know, that guy?" He asked and hummed again when he earned a groan and nod. "Just don't mind him then, pay attention to that short stack you call a boyfriend- ack!" [Y/n] laughed when Yuuji actually jumped out his seat by him throwing a fake roach he bought in case Yuuji ever called his boyfriend short.

The school day seemed to breeze through easily, as easily as it could pass anyway. The duo were joking and laughing, pushing each other before Yuuji lightly kicked him in the ass. He lightly sprinted away when [Y/n] tried to do the same, saying that his girlfriend needed him and that he wished him luck. 'No turning back now, I guess.' He thought to himself before changing his indoor shoes to his outdoor ones, waiting for Hinata to show up. And there he was, panting and sweating from running through the school just to meet up with him.

The older male smiled at him and waited for him to change shoes before making their way to the gym. "I can't wait for you to meet my team! You're going to love them! Though Kageyama is such a prick! He really annoys me when he yells at me for small things!" He growled, calming down when his taller boyfriend put a hand on his head. He blushed and looked down as he timidly grabbed said hand and held it, looking away when the other snorted.

"I'm sure I'll love them but I love you the most." He purred, leaning closer to kiss his lovers cheek. Hinata pushed him away and stomped towards the gym, flustered and fuming that [Y/n] could do such embarrassing things easily. He pouted even more when he heard the other laugh over his small tantrum. Hinata grabbed [Y/n]'s hand and smiled, swinging the door open and stomped inside while pulling his boyfriend along.  The team looked up startled then confused.

One-Shots! : Seme Male ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz