Chapter 58 - There and Back Again

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The walk from the meadow to Bag-End had taken ten minutes the night of the duel, but looking back I suppose I must have been in a great hurry. This time around, rather because I was reminiscing or simply because I was terrified; it took much longer.

We finally reached the path that would lead right up the hill, and I slowed my pace even more when I noticed that almost everyone was outside doing one thing or another. As we passed, every single pair of eyes fell on me. At first I assumed it was because of the clothes,the deep colors, and the fabrics that simply looked as though they had cost a significant amount of money; which I did not doubt was indeed the case. But as I moved further I began to hear my name whispered over fences and from one persons lips to someone else's ear.As I passed more and more familiar faces I realized it was definitely me that held their interest, and I was surprised. I hadn't thought they would even notice I was gone. As we moved past one house a very small Hobbit came racing out of the gate so quickly he nearly knocked me right off of my feet.

I recognized the house a moment before I recognized the child. The house belonged to Paladin Took and his wife Eglantine. They had four children, and three of them were daughters. Which meant...

"Peregrin Took!" I exclaimed, surprised as Fili helped me catch my balance. "What in Durin's name are you doing running into people like that?" He looked up in surprise, and his eyes grew so wide in seeing me that I feared they might fall right out of his small head.

"Saria!" He yelled, and I laughed as he immediately held up his arms. I hesitated for only a moment before scooping him up into my arms and resting him on my hip.

"Goodness you've gotten heavy." I declared. "And you've most certainly grown." I added, tapping the tip of his nose. He giggled, and his smile was contagious. Fili moved closer, and Pippin's eyes grew large again as he reached for the braids on his mustache. Fili chuckled as he tugged lightly, and I shook my head as I pulled his hand away. "Pippin that is not very nice. You should really apologize." He grinned at me, looking shyly back at Fili.

"Sorry." He whispered, his small voice very serious. Fili laughed again, ruffling the little Hobbit's hair. He shrugged.

"It's alright." Pippin grinned, turning back to me.

"Where were you Saria? Did you run away?" I laughed loudly at how serious he sounded as he asked the second question.

"No Pippin," I assured him. "I did not run away." I made a show of looking around us before I leaned close to him and lowered my voice. "I was on an adventure." He gasped. "I had to kill a dragon."His little hand flew to his mouth and hit so hard I was afraid he would knock some teeth out.

"By yourself?" He whispered, looking around as though he expected a dragon to pop up out of his father's rose bushes. I shook my head.

"No Pip." I said, returning my voice to its normal pitch. "I had lots of help." He nodded, looking relieved. "Remember that Pippin."I said sternly. "One day you'll have your own adventure, and when you do it will be very important to value the people that go with you. Promise me that." He nodded.

"I promise." He said instantly, looking very pleased. I smiled, nodding once before setting him back down and opening the gate.

"Good. Now get back inside." I gave him a small push, and he nibbled on the side of his fist as he wandered slowly back inside the fence. "Goodbye Pippin." I said, waving as I turned back to the path.

"Goodbye Saria!" He screamed, waving wildly. His voice was so loud I saw the curtains move in the kitchen; and for a moment I met the eyes of a very startled looking Paladin Took before the curtains fell back into place. I walked onward before they could come outside, accepting the hand Fili offered me as I passed.

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