They also were studying in the school. The wolves that just turned fifteen were accompanied by our Luna, while the older ones were just by themselves or by their friends.

I saw my friends who were waiting in arrival area, Gina the hyperactive blonde with her mate Josh, the dark brown haired hunky baseball player in our town. Mia, blue eyed girl with waist length blonde hair with her mate Layne, which also a baseball player. Here comes my bestie Layla, a curly brunette with hazel brown eyes and cheerful attitude, currently mate less, just like me.

"Yow girl, why so slow." Layla said cheerfully. She hugged me and the rest of the gang.

"Hi Mr. Gonzales." greeted by Mia still clinging to Layne.

"Hi girls, boys. Sorry were late, my princess here is so early than our dog." My dad pulled me to his side and gave me loving smile.

"And girls please behave and boys please watch the girls. Behave young ones, no ditching, no cutting and no dating after the curfew hour." He reminded us, expected for the third in command of our pack.

"Yes Father." We said mockingly and laugh.

"And you my darling. Please be careful always." He kissed me and gave the ticket for the plane.

We flight half an hour from the airport and arrived. We're all standing at the baggage area to claim our things.

Me, Layla, Gina, and Mia and the rest of the gang went off to the nearest mall to buy some things that been left in our town. We just brought the important thing to less the expenses of the baggage.

After our window shopping, we drove to the school. After two long hours, we reached the campus. It is not so close to the civilization, it's been surrounded by a forest. All you can see were trees, mountain and trees.

No wonder it's an island.

We drove another 15 minutes and arrived at the heart of the school. It has a big fountain at the center and a row of benches and cherry blossoms in either side, typical scenery in university.

"Oh my gosh. Still didn't change." Gina said sarcastically, looking at our school.

"How many times I told them to change the color of the benches and the tress." She added.

"Babe, no matter what you say, they will never change it. Unless you're the owner." Josh said and kissed her in the lips.

"Ouch, my eyes. Stop in the name of Layla, I'm still mate less." Layla said, covering her eyes with her hand while the other is in her stomach acting to puke.

"You're just jealous. Go now, maybe you can find your long awaited mate." Gina said sticking out her tongue to Layla.

"Yeah, maybe you got an Alpha as a mate." Layne said wiggling his eyes. Layla frown from teasing.

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