~Chapter 5~

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The rest of the day was spent with Diane talking to the rest of the fairies. Unfortunately, they seemed just as clueless to her about what had happened to King after he left the forest. The more she opened up and talked to the fairies, the more open-minded they became of her. She occasionally crossed paths with Ban who was being followed by Jericho so she knew they were still in the forest. However, she didn't see King all day. By the end of the day, she had asked around where he had gone. After getting some reassurance that he had not abandoned her and was instead getting the longest lecture ever from Gerheade, she was able to go back to her sleeping spot.

Diane now laid on her back, staring upwards at the stars. Unlike last night, she was totally alone as Jericho had opted to sleeping closer to Ban and King still hadn't returned. While she laid down, she replayed the days events in her head. 'A giantess that looked exactly like me....? That's what Krystal said but....no!' The brunette wildly shook her head. 'I didn't know King before The Seven Deadly Sins! I'm pretty sure I would've remembered him...' After a few more minutes of restless thinking, Diane managed to close her eyes and slip into a twisting and turning sleep.



Diane snapped her eyes open and sat up, rubbing her head. 'My head hurts....' she thought and looked round, realizing she definitely wasn't in the Fairy Kings forest. Instead, she was in some cave on a hill. 'Whose voice was that...? Where am I!? Wait.....waittttt!' The purple eyed girl looked around wildly for another moment before letting out a sigh of relief.

"It's the old cave I stayed in before going back to the Giant Clan..."

Diane murmured and stood up. Realizing too late that she'd collide with the ceiling, she braced for impact but was pleasantly surprised when none came. Looking up, she noticed the ceiling seemingly stretching upwards forever. 'I don't remember this cave being magic....so is this a dream?' When a small Meliodas appeared on her shoulder and kissed her cheek before disappering in a cloud of gray smoke, she concluded that it was indeed a dream.


The voice echoed through the cave again and she snapped her head towards the entrance. She could see a shadow standing at the entrance so she hesitantly walked towards the entrance. Standing there was something nothing could prepare her for. 'It's me!?' Standing at the entrance of the cave, giggling and pointing upwards at the sky was the young Diane. She still had on her old cloth for clothes and her hair flowed freely in the breeze.

"Can you do a flip!?"

The younger giantess asked somebody. Diane raised an eyebrow and walked out of the cave because she knew she wasn't talking to her. Upon looking up, she noticed a blurry figure flying in the sky and doing tricks. It was strange; the more she focused on the figure, the blurrier they became. 'I don't remember this at all...'

Suddenly, the scenery changed drastically. Her eyes widened when she noticed her younger self laying on the ground, her face dark red and her breathing ragged. 'When was I sick?!'

"Hang on, Diane! I'll go grab some herbs!"

The voice was scratchy and didn't sound like a normal voice. It came from the blurry figure floating above young Diane. As the figure went to fly away, the younger Diane grabbed them and pulled whoever it was to her chest. Young Diane murmured some things about not wanting to be alone anymore but Diane was hardly listening. She was too wrapped up in her thoughts, trying to figure out when this happened and why she didn't remember, that she almost didn't notice the scenery change yet again.

Diane went through many more supposed "memories". Some seemed to happen earlier than others because sometimes she was wearing her signature orange leotard but sometimes it was her rag. She watched as the figure told Diane that she shouldn't trust humans but gave no explantion why. She watched her younger self find the figure by the riverside with a red puddle around them, which she concluded was blood. She watched the figure make clothes for her and offer her a promise to keep after losing in tag. Many more memories flew by and the strangest thing happened as they did. The figure slowly became clearer and their voice became clearer as well. She was able to tell that it was a boy after a few more memories and the voice started to strangely sound like King...

Finally, she arrived at a memory where her younger self was with the floating boy in a village of humans. She watched the figure quickly wave off being "lovers" with Diane, seemingly flustered. For some reason, seeing that made Diane feel.....sad, deep down in the depths of her heart. She walked by her younger selfs side and they explored the village with the floating boy. Diane listened as the boy explained the human concept of marriage to her.

"I'm jealous."

She heard her younger self mutter.

"You're jealous of the humans?! W-why-"

"Harlequin, do you love me?"

That question made both Diane and the boy freeze. It shocked Diane to say the least. What shocked her even more was when the boy nodded, admitting he did.

"Okay...then I want you to promise to love me forever!"

Diane's jaw dropped to the ground at this. 'I did not ask a strange boy to love me forever!' She thought but her breath hitched as the figure's blurriness cleared up completly.

"I promise I will always love you and stay by your side, Diane!"

King yelled which made the young giantess pause from walking.

"You just need to love me forever."

She said softly and King bit hs lip.

"I promise....I'll always return to your side."

Right after he said that, a blinding white light headed towards Diane. She recoiled back and shut her eyes.


Diane shot up, gasping and panting. The dream was still fresh in her head as she shakily stood up. Something seemed differnt though....because Diane remembered evrything. From when she discovered King laying on the riverside, injured, to right up before she lost her memory. Tears began to stream down her cheeks as she gripped a nearby tree, easily snapping it in half. A smile broke through and she laughed before wiping away the tears. 'Even after all this time....he kept his promise to me. Even when I thought i was head over heels for the Captain...or being hit on by Howzer....he never broke his promise.' She thought whils staring up at the early morning sky. Finally, one name broke through her lips.




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