Some habbits never change Part 3

Start from the beginning

Finally after a long tiring way they reached Moria. "The walls of Moria..." Gimly said as if he couldn't believe they were standing in front of the gate. The moonlight shone upon the gates of Moria revealing an old riddle. Gandalf read it out loud.

"It reads. The door of Durin. Speak friend and enter."

Gandalf begun chanting an ancient entry spell. His imposive voice echoed through the trees and everyone waited for the door to open but.... nothing happened.

Clearing his throat he gave it another try. Still nothing... Even after several more tries nothing changed. The door didn't move an inch. Lillie was sitting alone on a rock trying to concentrate and find a way to help solve the riddle but she couldn't.

She was too distracted by a specific pair of ocean eyes boring into her back. She hesitated for a minute before turning to look behind her. She knew he was staring at her. But why? Why was he staring at her with so much reproach? She returned her gaze to the water in front of her and as far away from him as she could. She let out a sigh and leaned her head on her hands slightly pouting like a little girl who had just dropped her candy. Lillie felt her heart sink when her thoughts refused to let go of his dazzling form. Oh and that stern look of his pulled her even closer to falling hard for him. She was pulled out of her thoughts by a spalshing sound and when she looked at where the noise was coming from she saw Merry throwing rocks in the water. "Oh that can't be good..." She thought to herself. Aragorn seemed to notice too and before the little hobbit could throw another rock in the suspiciously calm water he stopped him.

"Do not disturb the water..." He said with an advisory look on his face and Merry nodded. A few more minutes passed in silence until an idea dawned to her.

"Hey, what if we're trying to open the gate with the right word but in the wrong language?" She said and went closer to Gandalf.

"And what language do you think we should use? Black speech maybe?" Legolas mocked her. She tighten her fists angry but kept silent not wanting to escalate the situation. Right now they needed to focuse on opening the door.

"No Lillie is right! What is the word for friend in elvish?" Frodo shot up from his seat and asked Gandalf.

"Melon..." As soon as Gandalf said the word the door started opening and everyone cheered.

"Well done you two..." Boromir said and ruffled both their hair.

"Boromir...." She said annoyed as she entered the mines with the others. Once they stepped inside they knew that something was off. Gandalf lit his staff and everyone stood still and gasped at the sight before them.

"This is not a mine... This is a tomb... EVERYONE OUT!" Boromir yelled and they all rushed out but little did they know that they'd soon regret it. Suddenly a scream echoed in their ears. It was frodo. Not a minute had passed since they exited the mines and the watcher in the water found the chance to extend it's enormous disgusting tentacles and snatch Frodo by his leg lifting him high in the air. Lillie pulled her bow and started shooting arrows at the monster along with Legolas as the others tried to fight against it too. Aragorn ran towards it in the water and started slashing the creature. Boromir did the same. Luckily Boromir was able to completely cut off the tentacle that held Frodo and caught him when he fell.

"Back into the mines!" Legolas shouted as they rashed inside. Him and Lillie were left last as they kept shooting arrows at it.

"Get in!" He yelled pushing her inside. He entered last as he tried to cover her. The watcher followed them out of the water and reached for the gate making it colapse. Big heavy rocks covered the only entrance and exit they knew leaving them only one choice, to move forward.

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