Chapter 04: Nefarious Plans

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"Joker's going to take over Gotham?" Scott repeated questioningly. "How?"

"Right now, Gotham is in the pocket of different gangs and criminal organizations," Harley explained. "The government wants people to think it's in charge, but they haven't held real authority in Gotham for years."

"What about Batman?" Scott asked.

"What about him?" Harley dismissed. "Bat-brain's gone, and any hope of the government retaking the city went with him. Once Joker sweeps aside the other gangs and bosses, he'll own this city from top to bottom, and it's unlikely he'll stop there."

"Joker will spread out to all neighboring cities," Scott reasoned.

"Yep," Harley confirmed. "He'll have enough guns and people to resist even a direct attack from the military."

"But, he won't fight a direct campaign," Scott realized. "His strength has always come from sowing chaos in order to weaken his opposition."

"Exactly," Harley confirmed. "The military might have a larger and more well-armed force, but they have more to defend. Joker can strike anywhere he pleases, burn it down and retreat."

"A scorched earth technique," Scott reasoned. "If he causes enough damage, the citizens will demand the government do something."

"Once martial law is declared, the military will be out in the open, patrolling the streets," Harley added.

"Of course!" Scott exclaimed. "Military bases and government buildings are well defended by layers of security, but if Joker can draw them out, get them to spread themselves across the city, he'll be able to pick them off at his leisure. Joker can decide which target to strike, when, and how hard to hit them to inflict the maximum amount of damage."

"Over time, Joker will wear them down while continuing to build his own forces," Harley added. "Eventually, the tables will turn, and he'll control almost everything and burn down the rest."

"Governments worry about protecting civilians, limiting the kinds of military action they can take," Scott said. "Joker has no such limitations, doing whatever he wants to accomplish his goals, no matter the collateral damage."

"It's why he's going to win," Harley stated firmly. "When one side is limited and the other isn't, the war is already over. It's only a matter of time."

"Joker could still get crushed if the government moved against him before everything is in place," Scott suggested.

"True," Harley agreed. "However, they won't because they are limited by the law, and the law won't let them send in a military strike team to deal with what they believe to be a common criminal. They hesitate while his plans move forward."

"Their indecision will be their undoing," Scott concluded.

"Yep," Harley concurred. "A government of the people is another weak point he'll exploit."

"How so?" Scott prompted.

"Most folks in this country are unconcerned about what doesn't affect them," Harley told him.  "So, all Joker has to do is create enough damage and casualties for the citizens to believe no good can come from trying to hold the city. The military with pull out and play right into Joker's hands."

"For the purpose of bowing to public opinion, they'll hand Gotham over to the Joker on a silver platter," Scott grumbled. He flopped his head back against the sofa pillows in frustration and immediately regretted it as his headache returned.

"Essentially," Harley confirmed. "He'll use Gotham as a base of operations to expand his influence to other places and repeat the process. By the time anyone realizes the noose he's put around them, it will be too late to keep him from tightening it."

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