Chapter 17: The Exchange

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Scott parked the van beside a boarded up subway tunnel and turned off the engine. The concrete walls surrounding the covered opening were old and dirty, and what wasn't covered in grime was hidden under layers of spray paint from years of gang members marking their territory. Pulling out his cell phone, Scott dialed Gordon. "We're at the entrance, open up."

The boards blocking the tunnel entrance were pushed out in a single unit as they weren't attached to the tunnel but to a wooden framework on wheels. The framework was slightly smaller than the rounded tunnel, so when it was rolled inside, the attached boards would catch on the exterior of the tunnel and give the impression of the concrete passage being sealed.

When the framework was pushed out far enough, Scott drove the van into the tunnel, and the refugees pulled the framework back into place to close up the tunnel once more. Scott turned off the engine and got out.

"Where's Gordon?" Scott asked one of the people nearest him.

"Passage five, junction baker," the man answered, straightening up while speaking to Scott.

"Thanks," Scott replied. "As you were."

"Are these the ones you rescued from the fires?" Grayson asked as they began walking in the direction they'd been given.

"Yes," Scott confirmed. "It's unfortunate we couldn't have saved more, but we got these out at least."

"It explains their reactions," Grayson commented. "You saved them; they know it, and you're revered by them."

Scott hadn't been paying attention to it as his mind had been focused on figuring out where they were going and what he was going to say to Gordon when they arrived. Now that he was looking, he noticed some of the refugees standing up straighter when he passed them in the tunnels, similar to the way soldiers came to attention when their superior officer entered. Many stopped whatever they'd been doing and simply watched him go by.

The passageways were cold and dry, only dimly lit by the occasional lamp or flashlight. The footsteps of the three travelers echoed hollowly from the walls. Although it was utter nonsense, Scott avoided walking on the train tracks in the middle of the tunnel as he had a paranoid expectation of a train coming down the line and running him over. He knew he was being irrational, but he couldn't shake the feeling.

"Gordon!" Scott called out when he saw the former police commissioner standing with a group of people gathered around a gas powered heater.

"Grayson," Gordon said in recognition when the trio approached his position. "I thought they might have killed you."

"Not yet, but they may get another chance," Grayson answered. "You'll never guess what he wants me to do."

"Not here," Scott cautioned. "Follow me."

Scott led them away from the refugees and into a dark and secluded passage bricked up at one end when the tunnel project had been abandoned. Gordon used a flashlight from his pocket to let them see where they were going.

"You don't honestly think one of these people would reveal information to Joker, do you?" Gordon asked.

"I wouldn't think so, but with something this important, I'd rather not take the chance," Scott explained in a hushed voice no one but the three people he was with could hear. "An accidental slip could prove disastrous, and a person can't be threatened, coerced, or bribed into telling what they don't know. The fewer people involved the better."

"Alright," Gordon agreed. "You've been handling this since the beginning, so I'll go along with your lead."

"Thanks," Scott accepted. "First off, Joker's organization completely holds Gotham now. Every street, alley, and business is under the control of his gang. By enlisting the citizens, we've ensured the majority aren't criminals, but with guns and power, some of them might get a liking of that life and turn. We'll need the police force to keep them in check."

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