Bad News

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*Saturday Morning, 10:04 am*

I sit there, still waiting for my mother and the doctor to come back, and finally, they do. Mom has a sad look on her face, and the doctor looks exspressionless. I feel worried, the doctor is reading off of some papers and my mom is about to cry. I stare at the doctor. "Where did your friend go?" she says, and I scowl. "He's not my friend." "Well, okay. Anyway, we have decided that you need to go... away..." the doctor says, and I just stare, to stunned to speak. "You mean..." I stutter, "Yes, Juvinile Detention." the doctor finished my thought, knowing that I can't. "Mom... you agreed?" I ask, ".........." "Mom! "Answer me!" I yell. "Yes." she says. Then I cry. "We have called the bus to take you there. It should be here any minute now," the doctor says. "I'm sorry, I know this is hard for both of you, but it has to be done," she says, and my mom nods. Just at that moment I hear beeping and then the doctor looks out the window then says, "Ah, the bus. Time to go, Amy." We make our way outside, my mom to pained to follow, and I step on the bus.

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