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~•~•~• BELLA'S POV~•~•~•

"Ness hurry up, we don't have all day" I shouted at Nessie . we are shifting from folks to New Hemisphere. there are people talking about me and my family's frozen age and Renesmee's incredible growth. well New Hemisphere has plenty of good animals and Sun only  rises hardly 2 times a week and it is 2hrs from folks so that Jacob can visit La push easily we are moving there.

" moomy I am very excited but I don't wanna leave grandpa Charlie " Nessie said while packing her stuff. Charlie know that we are "different" but we can't tell him that cullens are vampires and so I am and Nessie is a half vampire because volturi will kill who knows about us or he had to become vampire. even when Jacob phased in front of him in order to tell him I was changed he almost went crazy. No! No! way to tell Charlie truth.

" Ness we will visit him often " I said and we went out of the house. everyone was literally sobbing without tears outside . So much of memories. I met my Edward here. the first time I came at Cullen's house . Edward took me out of window, the baseball match, James , when Edward left me, when he came back , Victoria, Jacob , Graduation, when Edward proposed me, our marriage, Renesmee's birth , I become a vampire,  volturi's visit , Charlie, La push, mike , Angela, Jessica , Ben and all other memories. I literally felt like crying suddenly a very warm hand touched my shoulder which was hot as iron .

"Bells its OK " Jacob said with a warm smile .

"I'm gonna miss this place "  I said very sad. suddenly Edward's hand was around my waist. he kissed me slightly on my lips.

" Bella love if you want we can stay for a while " he said in my ear. I looked at his face for which a model can trade his soul.

" we have to leave someday " I muttered.

" not without your happiness" he said . his face was serious again.

" I am with you wherever it is even in dessert." he laughed actually everyone laughed.

Carlisle closed the door and put a lock in it. everyone took their car.

Chalisle was in his car with Esme .

Alice and jasper were in their farari. Emmiet took his jeap alone and Rosalie was in her red car. Jacob and Nessie were in his rabbit and I and Edward were in his Volvo . atleast Volvo was the memory of our schooltime. I was busy watching roads, school, Charlie's police station. when I told Charlie were leaving he was not very happy but when I told him we will visit often and handed him my new address he was OK with it. the forest was blur past us.

" can't we just run?" I asked Edward almost irritated.I had to believe I was in extremely bad mood.

" who will transport cars?" he chuckle. I rolled my eyes. suddenly his lips were pressed against mine. moving with perfect since. I didn't noticed car was stopped.  I was too busy.

" ugh..Edward Bella can't you continue later. " Emmiet laughed. this was hundredth time Emmiet caught us in embarrassing position.

I groaned. then I saw the house. it was most same as folks. there was a big drawing room at down and a big kitchen. at middle last of the wall was a fancy staircase. in 1st floor was Carlisle's office and Carlisle and Esme's bedroom and a librery. at second floor was Rose and Emmiet' s bedroom and Alice and Jasper's bedroom. in 3rd floor was Nessie's bedroom followed by Jacob's room and my and Edward's bedroom at the last. then I heard Edward chuckle and Emmiet's voice "thank god Edward and Bella room is at last

now we can't see their porn". I groaned. we settled our rooms. my and Edward's room has big white bed and has look of isle Esme which made me slightly smile . then Edward put hand on my waist and I held my arm around his neck. he kissed me passionately and I returned the same and his hand moved from my waist to my spine and ripped my shirt off. I unlocked his jeans button and slid it down while he did the same. I ripped his shirt off while he carried me to bed and we enjoyed and bed broke off unable to bear the pressure. I heard everyone laugh even Jacob. and we continued for whole day.

~•~•~•JACOB'S  POV~•~•~•

I am happy and sad too. Happy because I am with Nessie and sad because I am not in la push.

" Jake is this preety?"Nessie asked .she was preparing herself for tommorow.

" ofcourse Ness" I said everything that you touches is preety, I added mentally. I can't tell ness about my feelings she has to figure it out. then I heard a bang from Bella and Edward's room. I chuckle. ness too laughed and I heard everyone laughing. I also heard Bella growl. then I put Nessie to bed and I went to my room to sleep. tommorow I have school to attend. I groaned. I started snoring in mins.


sorry for late update . I hope you like the chapter . PLZ VOTE AND COMMENT.

update soon.



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