Chapter 36- Blaize | I Run A Tight Ship

Start from the beginning

Clifton had been laying in bed at the time - he had his earphones in and as soon as his sister came into his cabin, he whipped them out of his ears and looked at her wide-eyed in shock. Blaize walked straight over to his side and pulled him up by the collar of his shirt as if he were an adolescent boy being taught a lesson by a relentless parent.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" he yelled as he shoved her hand off of him and sat up straight on his bed.

"What the fuck is wrong with m-?!! What the fuck is wrong with you, you asshole" Blaize lent so close to his face that Clifton could feel her hot breath on his cheeks. "You fucking signed me up for the bullshit trip when you knew I wanted an out"

Clifton frowned in confusion and looked at his sister as if she had two heads. Blaize Campbell looked like a character out of a cartoon, with raging shoulders and a mouth that could breathe fire. Clifton always grew up in fear of doing something that wasn't apart of the Blaize protocol, and the figure standing in front of him now was everything he didn't want happening.

It clicked into him that she meant the Cozumel trip. As his facial expressions relaxed, Blaize started groaning more. He swallowed a breath and pushed Blaize away with his index finger. He moved towards his study table and took his camera from his table. The second thought crushed into him further. It struck him like whiplash and the thoughts choked out a disgusted grunt.

His sister, standing right in front of him. Nothing like he ever knew before.

"I'm not fucking going. I don't care what I have to do dickwad, but I am going home - even if that mean's I'm dragging your ass behind me." Blaize breathed out raggedly as if her lungs were about to collapse if she said another breath. Almost as if she was trying to convince herself more than anyone else.

Clifton flinched at her outburst because he knew what he was about to do would change their relationship no onwards. He thought back to a time, when both of them could have a long conversation together, when Blaize actually cared about his life. When they were kids and they used to make words with alphabet soup and if they made a swear word, they got double points.

He then flashed back to her coming out of a professors cabin in nothing but shame. And he let his shoulders drop. This wasn't his sister standing infront of him. No, that Blaize died a long time ago.

He simply shook his head, switched on his camera and put it on the recent couple of images he took. He passed the camera and saw as realization hit her face, and caused her to falter back. Letting out a little sob, she placed a hand to her mouth. Clifton looked down at the wood to make things easier and then whispered into the tense air. "You're coming, Blaize"


A/N: As we are getting closer and closer to 1M reads, I want to celebrate with giving you guys a chance to choose a "thank you for putting up with Kat" gift.

Before we get on to the thing™, I really want to take this time out to say... Thank you. Although I don't respond to any comments or messages because I'm always worried I'll make a flustered mess of myself - I really do have so much to say to you guys. I've seen some of you here from the very first chapter, and then there's those of you who have recently joined this mess of a home I have with these characters and truly, thank you.

So in celebration of a million - you guys can choose what you want the celebration 'chapter' to be. It's not going to be in line with the story or plot (obviously), as I already have that figured out - but take it as an extra little tidbit of the gang.


Comment what you want here - It can be from crazy things like an AU of all of them living in a spaceship wearing turkey hats to a mellow backstory to even a POV from a certain secondary character... It can be as wacky or as mellow as you want. The concept that seems the most popular with you guys, will be the one I'll write :)

(honestly just one exclusion: no orgies with the whole fucking gang please, I will literally cry)







Lots of love,


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