Our Destination

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"Ta-da!" Loki announced as our ship passed through what seemed to be a mountain and crashed onto Svartalfheim.

It took a few seconds, but the god of mischief managed to regain control over the ship and steady it. A soft sigh fell from my lips as Jane slept peacefully, and the brothers exchanged anger filled stares beside me. The thick air of the realm filled my lungs until they were nearly as heavy as my heart. Ruins of ships were scattered across the realm's surface: a memorial of only one of many bloody wars Asgard had been involved in.

"What I could do with the power that flows through those veins," Loki noted, purposefully prodding at his brother's pressure point.

"It would consume you," Thor replied, eyeing him cautiously.

"She's holding up alright, for now," Loki smirked, making me smack him on the shoulder lightly before bending down to whisper in his ear.

"There is no need to provoke him," I warned, placing a hand on his shoulder to hold him in place.

"She's strong in ways you'd never even know," Thor continued, causing me to sigh in exasperation as I knew that Loki would not hold his tongue and unfortunately, I was correct.

"Say goodbye."

"Not this day," Thor mused, staring off the side of the boat towards the ruins surrounding us.

"This day, the next, a hundred years, it's nothing. It's a heartbeat. You'll never be ready, and the only woman who's love you prize will be snatched from you-"

"Loki," I warned, shooting him a glare.

"And will that satisfy you?" Thor questioned, his voice raised and his gaze fixed upon his brother.

"Satisfaction's not in my nature."

"Surrender's not in mine," the blonde retorted.

"The son of Odin-"

"No not just of Odin. You think you alone loved mother? You had her tricks but I had her trust."

"Thor, don't," I said shakily, taking a step back of the angered siblings as their tempers burned brightly.

Loki's eyes flitted over to me for a moment before returning to their position on the god of thunder.

"Trust," Loki spat, "Was that her last expression? Trust? When you let her die?!"

"What help were you in your cell?"

"Who put me there?" Loki seethed, "Who put me there?"

"You know damn well!" Thor shouted, grabbing his collar and slamming him against the side of the boat roughly.

"You know damn well," he repeated as I rested a shaky hand on his shoulder in an attempt to soothe him.

The god only shot me a warning glance and tensed under my touch, causing Loki to warn me away with only a quick flick of his bright eyes. I huffed and rolled my eyes before glaring at the two men scornfully.

"Boys," I ordered, pulling Thor away from Loki to stand between them

"You two are acting like children," I scolded, shifting my gaze between the two of them and lowering into a ready position in case one of their tempers flared.

The air around us was heavy with silence, the thick atmosphere only exaggerating it as the two brothers glared daggers.

"She wouldn't want us to fight," Thor said finally, his deep voice piercing the still air.

"Well she wouldn't exactly be shocked," Loki mused, hands slightly raised in surrender and gaze locked on my shivering form.

My defensive stance lowered, but I stayed between the two as the blonde took a step forward.

"I wish I could trust you," he sighed before turning and walking a few paces away.

His words struck a nerve in my body as I found myself wishing the same. If nothing else, I hoped to trust the god of mischief however naive it seemed. My train of thought was interrupted as Loki stood up straight and took a few steps forward, his body tense and eyes wild.

"Trust my rage."

I lowered my head in defeat and made my way to the end of the boat, my movements slow and stiff. A shiver raced down my spine as the consequences of my actions came to mind. For me, there was no way out. There would be no escape whether we died to the elves or made it back to Asgard. Either way, my fate would be the same.

"You know," I began tiredly as I lowered myself into a sitting position on the edge, "I'm going to die soon, at the very least you two could try not to fill my final day with your petty bickering."

Loki's expression darkened as he turned towards me before beckoning me over stiffly while Thor stared like a deer in the headlights of an oncoming vehicle. I merely crossed my arms and shook my head childishly, but the pleading look I received from Loki had me on my feet and beside him quickly. The god removed his hands from the ship to press his body against mine gently so that his breath hit my ear, his movement limited by the cuffs restraining his wrists.

"No harm will come to you," he hissed, his breath sending shivers down my spine.

"Loki," I said sadly, raising my hand to his cheek, "You have to be prepared-"

"No!" he snapped, jerking away from my touch with determination dripping from his words.

I let out a quiet sigh before planting a gentle kiss on his cheek forlornly as Jane stood up and stared into the distance. The god's skin was cold against my lips, but the familiarity was calming. The hand closest to Loki found its way into his hair absentmindedly as we watched a large ship descend just over the hill ahead of us. My heartbeat quickened exponentially as soon as my feet hit the dirt, but I managed to shoot Jane one reassuring smile as we approached what could easily be our final destination.

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