A Lightened Sentence

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When we first arrived on Asgard, it almost felt like home. However, when I turned to see Loki in chains as we walked down the rainbow bridge the pleasant feeling was long gone. We had not gotten far when a familiar silver shape came bounding towards us along the rainbow bridge, followed by her rust colored counterpart. It would seem that my canine friends had sensed my return and now were loping towards me at a terrifying speed.

"At least we don't have to walk," I noted as the massive wolves approached in single file, too large to lope alongside each other.

I watched a look of slight fear cross both of the princes' faces and for a moment felt a small burst of joy.

"Geri, Freki," I greeted as the wolves skid to a halt before me, panting excitedly.

The two bowed their heads in unison which graced my lips with a smile. I chose to walk beneath Geri in order to reach her auburn mate, Freki as they were unable to greet me side by side due to their size. The two had been the ones to first create the canine species and populate the Earth with their smaller offspring so many centuries ago, but had taken a liking to me in the forest years ago when I managed to get myself lost. After greeting both, I returned to the princes and grabbed Loki's hand as Freki lowered himself against the bridge. Although difficult, I managed to get myself as well as a chained Loki onto his back without going tumbling into the water below.

"I need no mutt to bring me to the palace," Thor chided arrogantly, instead admiring his hammer.

"Then I would hope you enjoy your brother running free once more, as if you are to simply fly there with that lump of rock there are no promises we will join you," I warned boredly, gesturing at Geri who snapped her jaws in annoyance at the eldest prince.

Loki had always done well with my unusual friends, however; Thor often looked down upon animals and merely ended up pissing them off on most occasions. Every moment that passed made me wish to have my wolves throw Thor from the platform and set Loki free far from Asgard, however; I was aware that the trickster was still to blame for many of his crimes, as he chose to bargain with the titan Thanos in the first place.

"Come or I will have them chase you. They are very good at fetch," I added, "Take us to the palace."

My order to the wolves was so half hearted that they looked at me curiously and instead stood their ground as though they were well aware that I had no wish to set foot inside the kingdom. Although it more had to do with the kingdom's inhabitants and the arrogant man on the throne. Despite his power, the Allfather was most apt at covering up whatever he deemed a problem. It was as though the rest of Asgard lived in a trance, as they never questioned how we had become such a powerful kingdom.

Loki's eyes bore into the back of my head, but he still did not speak a word and instead leaned his body against the back of my own. The warmth made me relax into the touch, and further question my decision to sentence the man behind me to a horrible punishment.

"Please, let's go," I added quietly, before I could change my mind.

With that, the wolves took off at a leisurely pace and Thor was left to chase after us. It only took him a moment to leap onto Geri, although it had been funny to watch him chase helplessly. Unfortunately, all pleasant emotion the reunion the wolves had brought me was quickly diminished the moment we entered the throne room. I watched helplessly as Loki was pinned to the floor the moment he slid off of the back of Freki and clad with more chains.

"Odin, you must listen to me," I tried to plead as the king looked down upon us, Frigga at his side.

The Allfather paid me no mind and instead glared down upon the prince coldly, his exposed eye filled with rage. I leapt to the ground and stood in silence as the trial took place, both wolves sitting rigid at my side. I watched wistfully as the guards dragged the prince to the dungeons where he would await execution, my rage eliciting a growl from Geri which made the guards shuffle along that much faster.

"Allfather, I have some terrible news," I called, walking forward to stand before the throne just as Thor exited to rejoin his friends elsewhere.

The man contemplated me for a moment before looking over to Frigga. Before he could respond, I decided to continue my careful explanation.

"Loki was not alone in his attack, or I suppose, he was not the one attacking Midgard," I said slowly, my gaze fixed upon Frigga who I knew would be much more likely to believe me.

"Loki was the one who led the chitauri's assault on Midgard, and he will pay for his crimes," Odin said, finality in his tone which I promptly ignored.

"Not by his own choice. Your son made a deal with a titan and was threatened into doing his bidding. Now that Loki has failed, it is obvious that this titan will make his way to Midgard sooner or later," I warned, making the Allfather turn his attention back to me.

"Even if that were so, that is not our war. You have no proof that Loki is not to blame, and he should be overjoyed that I have granted him a quick execution rather than a more torturous death. If you choose to argue for his sake, I assure you my mind may change on that matter."

"I do have proof Allfather," I responded curtly.

Frigga rested her hand on her husband's bicep and whispered something into his ear which seemed to soothe his growing rage.

"Anastasia dear, what proof do you have?" she asked gently, her eyes imploring me to find a way to lighten her son's sentence.

"I have only my memories, which you are welcome to search through and relay to your husband if you do not trust that I can project an accurate depiction upon the both of you as I have already shown who's side I have taken on this matter. I would suppose you would want to search them yourself as to circumvent any bias I may have," I said courteously, pausing to think after every few words.

The queen nodded in response before looking back to Odin.

"Dear, if she is telling the truth-"

"Do it," he sighed, leaning back against the throne in exhaustion.

My canine companions stayed by my side as loyal guards even as the queen walked up and placed a hand upon my forehead. I was careful not to hide too many memories for fear of it sparking suspicion, and gave her full access to everything that had occurred over the past year during my time on Earth.

I watched my own memories be played like movie scenes by the queens' own mental presence as though I was merely a spectator. My heart clenched as she came upon the first time I had spoken to Loki in the cell, where I had given him the opportunity to kill me. I felt her curiosity grow when she too noticed the flickering of Loki's pained eyes, and felt her grow anxious when she was greeted with the mere memory of Thanos' presence that had rooted itself into the trickster's mind. My anger became her own at the memory of Thanos' threat towards Loki.

As she began to withdraw, the queen paused at the sight of Loki and I sharing a kiss. Relief and joy flowed from her consciousness and into my own as she realized that I had not been lying, and I had been able to soften Loki's heart which was been previously hardened by his rage.

"She is truthful."

Frigga's warm voice brought me out of my own consciousness and returned me to the throne room. The Allfather's one eye gazed down upon us coldly, but he too seemed relieved by the revelation.

"He will spend the rest of his days in the dungeon, only to be released under your care for a few hours a week. I trust that you are aware of what punishment will befall you if he is to escape," Odin said bitterly, as though he already regretted his words but was too stubborn to admit it.

I would not have been surprised if he wished for Loki to escape merely to have a reason to have my head.

"I am well aware and will accept any punishment if I am to lose your prisoner. Thank you Allfather," I responded courteously.

I bowed lowly to the two, although it was more so directed towards Frigga than the Allfather. A relieved smile crossed my face as well as Frigga's and I quickly jogged out of the throne room before Odin could change his mind, Freki and Geri on my heels.

A/n: I did some research on Ragnarok after seeing the most recent Thor movie for the second time and came across some interesting mythology including the wolves Geri and Freki who were in fact the creators of the canine species according to Norse legends. I figured I would add some other characters as well as my own plot changes in order to make this story less predictable. I hope you enjoy.

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