The Aether

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The next year on Asgard passed by swiftly. I spent much of my time thoroughly exploring Asgard alongside the wolves, and the rest with Loki in his cell. On rare occasions I mustered up the courage to allow him to leave his cell and go on short trips to the library, but Odin had quickly put an end to that after a few citizens became anxious. Now I was forced into the bland cell whenever I wished to see the prince, but more often than not I was caught up in assisting Thor and the warriors three with their battles, as well as occasionally visiting Midgard. On one particularly chilly evening, I found myself wandering aimlessly through the halls until I stumbled upon the library and felt a tug in my chest.

After allowing a quiet sigh to escape my lips, I reached out for Loki's mind with my own. We had become slightly distanced in the time he was imprisoned, however; that was to be expected. Despite this, I still felt his presence within my mind quite frequently. It was often more prominent during parties or dinners where I got particularly tipsy despite my high tolerance, or when a member of the opposite gender chose to make a move on me. Loki would gently guide me back to my room, or seethe with anger until the man left.

My melancholy was soon relieved when I passed through another hallway to see Thor walking with Jane Foster, a highly intelligent mortal I had heard nothing but good things about.

"Anastasia, there you are. I would like you to meet Jane, before we head to the healers" Thor boomed, his loud voice echoing off of every wall throughout the corridor.

"Hello Jane," I greeted, nodding in approval as I approached and held my hand out for her to shake in the typical Midgardian way.

"Nice to meet you Anastasia, Thor talked about you a lot the last time he visited," the brunette said cheerily, although there was certainly a form of uncertainty or jealously in her tone.

"I have heard much about you Ms. Foster, I am glad Thor finally found someone that can keep up with him," I smiled.

We shared pleasantries for only a while longer before we approached the healers, where I nearly parted ways but chose to stay out of curiosity. Jane did not seem sick, however; there was a presence within her when I brushed against her mind that flowed with energy.

When Odin first entered, annoyance in his tone, I nearly turned heel and walked out of the room. If not for the presence within Jane calling out to me, I would have done so, but the energy held me in place as the two gods argued. When the brave mortal snapped at the Allfather, I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing. For once there was another willing to stand up against the man. Unfortunately, Odin still called for the guards to return her to Midgard. I managed to call out a warning as they approached.

"Odin I would not do that. The energy running through her is ancient and powerful. Angering it could bring us only misfortune."

As usual, my word was not taken seriously. I felt Loki's presence in my mind and allowed him to sate his curiosity by giving him the ability to share my vision as the guards reached for the mortal only to be sent flying backwards. The surge of energy nearly knocked me off of my feet as it invaded my mind, holding me in my place as the rest of the room recovered. As the presence brushed against my consciousness, I found it oddly familiar. It was only when Odin and Thor rushed Jane out of the room and to the library that I recognized it.

'Infinity stone,' I sighed, chasing after the trio as they headed for the library.

"Allfather. It's an infinity stone, she carries the reality stone," I gasped out as they opened a book regarding the gem, more commonly known as the Aether.

Thor and Jane gave me a quizzical look, but the Allfather's face paled as he made the connection as well. After receiving a curt nod from Odin, I watched silently as he explained the Aether's history. As he did so, my mind reeled with thoughts of the locations of the rest of the gems. Surely having two of them so close together was a recipe for disaster.

When Odin insisted that the Dark Elves were wiped out, I nearly scoffed. Asgardian leaders covered up the truth all to often, as seen here with the existence of the Aether which was said to be destroyed.

'Be careful around her,' were Loki's only words to me before he retreated from my mind, leaving me to my own thoughts.

When I reached my bed and managed to close my eyes, it became obvious that his departure had been a mistake for my own thoughts were sporadic. My nerves were only calmed when his presence once again brushed against my mind with a final message.

'Goodnight, Love.'

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