Remaking Friends

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Hellooooo! Excitement is just oozing out of my pores! I know that sounds sort of gross, but I can't contain how much I love writing this story!

Disclaimer: Nope. Still don't own Fairy Tail. Darn. But I do own my OCs, like Juniper and Sparrow.

There's extra spoilers in this one!

Okay, here's the ultra important chapter you guys have been waiting for! Read away!


Juniper's POV

He was there. I knew he was there, taunting me behind the shadows. I could smell his disgusting presence. Fear screamed throughout my body. My hands shook and my breathing quickened.

"Where is he?" his voice rumbled.

"I don't know," I muttered.

The man stepped out of the darkness. My eyesight was blurry. The only thing I could make out was a long black cloak.

"Where is he?!" he said more sternly.

I closed my eyes, "I don't know."

Suddenly, a large hand wrapped itself around my face, squeezing tightly.

"WHERE IS HE?!" the man bellowed.


The murky shadows enveloped me, forcing me to sleep.


My eyes shot open in a panic. I stared at the cream colored ceiling in my apartment as my heart pounded furiously.

I sighed.

It was just a dream. I kept repeating that in my head. It was just a dream. It was just a dream. For some reason, I couldn't calm down. My hands wouldn't stop shaking. It was like I was reliving a fear I didn't even know I had.

Sunlight shone brightly through my lilac curtains. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. My stomach growled. I sighed again.

"You know, if you keep sighing like that, you'll exhale all your happiness."

My head snapped forward in surprise.
In one of my sky blue chairs, sat Gray in his underwear. His pants and jacket laid on the floor around him. Happy was sleeping soundly on the other chair.

My face flushed into a bright red as I threw a pillow toward him, "Put some clothes on, dammit!"

Gray looked down at himself, "What the-"

"Why are you even here?!" I demanded while catapulting another pillow at his face.

Without warning, Erza flung out from the bathroom, "We are going to the amusement park, right?"

I massaged my temples, "Not you, too, Erza."

Then, Natsu popped out from underneath my bed, "We were worried you wouldn't get home, so we checked on you."

I screamed and kicked Natsu in the face, "Why did you go under my bed?! You are all INSANE! I just woke up, and THIS is what you do to me first thing in the morning?!"

Gray gave me a weird look, "We do this all the time."

I grew infuriated.

"Well, maybe if I could remember that, I wouldn't be freaking out!" I exclaimed.

Gray's emotions turned dark. His eyes lowered to gradually stared at the carpet.

I sighed and gazed down at my hands. What a way to spoil the morning. Memory loss is probably one of the most frustrating things in the world. I keep hurting the people who care about me. My jaw clenched.

Fairy Tail Fanfic: Juniper's PastOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora