Chapter 4

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"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE. YOU CAN'T BE HERE, DAWN AND JACOB." I said as they backed away and saw my black eyes, with red surrounding it.
"We came here for revenge. You took them away from us. YOU LEFT THEM THERE TO DIE." The said together.
"We tracked your phone, its actually pretty easy." Chris said from behind them.
"So, how many people that I loved. Backstabbed me?" I ask while I walk towards them, with my sword right behind my back, and if I need backup, before I left, I could tell someone slipped a recording device onto my sword. I'm guessing it was Ash. I quickly grabbed my sword and put it to my mouth.
"Hey, can I have some back up?" I ask into the recorder.
"Already on it." He said back into the recorder.
"K, thanks." I say and put the sword down. I then walk over to them and swing it in their face. Dawn fell backwards along with Chris, but Jacob stayed standing.
"I always knew you were a better fighter than her." I say pointing to dawn with venom laced in my voice.
"Good thing, I packed prepared." He said and 10 more people stepped out from behind him.
"Cool! Bitch!" I say back. Trying to get under his skin.
Soon, Ash and his gang come behind me, and back me up.
"What! Ash, you're seriously taking her side?! She left her friends and family to die!" He fired at him, trying to make a point with venom laced in his voice. Ash's face fell as he said that.
"Bailee, is that true?" He choked on his words.
"Yes, but-" I started to say but he cut my off.
"No buts, you left them to die."
"NO. I. DIDN'T." I say as I fume, and once when I was this angry, my demon came out... I was cold to everybody for a whole 2 years.
"OH SHIT." Someone from the gang said.
"OH, SO YOU'VE SEEN THIS HAPPEN BEFORE?!" I ask the person that said that.
"Yes." He says while looking down.
I then got tired of Jacob and marched over to him and plunged my sword into his leg. He screamed in pain as I took it out and looked at the blood stained sword and smirked.
"Jacob!" Ash said as he ran over to him, my demon just came out.
"Oh Shit." I whispered under my breath, as I snapped my head over to someone who was about to attack me and grabbed their sword, threw it too the ground and did an uppercut, then grabbed a metal bar and conked him on the head. I then ran inside while dragging Ash with me.
"Whatever he told you-" I started to say but was cut off.
I slapped a hand over his mouth as he was about to speak.
"Don't." I warned as my paranoid mode came on.
"We need to get out of here." I said calmly.
"Tell everyone to pack their stuff, we have to go right now!" I urged him.
"Wait, why?!" He yelled.
I slapped my hand ovet his mouth again, then searched everywhere to where the beeping sound came from.
I finally found it under one of the floor boards. I ripped it out of the ground and sure enough, it was a bomb.
"I should have known! Shit!" I hissed at myself.
"GET THE GANG, WE'RE GOING RIGHT NOW." I tell him as he rushes off.
Ten minutes later they come back and we rush out just in time too, it blows up when we're about a mile away. But we could still hear and see the explosion.
"What the fuck, WAS THAT?!!" Ash questions as I drive like mad max in fast and furious.
"Oh, that," I say pointing behind us."is an explosion."
"I FUCKING KNOW THAT, BUT JUST, HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT WAS THERE?!!" Ash yells as I immediately stop the car as I look in the review mirror and see, Dagger's cars surrounding us.
"SHIT!" I curse.
I swerve through the traffic trying to lose them as the gang catches up. They roll down the window as Ash hangs on for dear life.
"Hey, Mad Max. How'd you know there was a bomb?" Someone asks.
"I have good hearing."
"Oh, cool. NOW COULD YOU DRIVE SLOWER?!!" Ash yells
"Be quiet, you baby." I say back tauntingly.
"Okay, jeeze, you meanie!" he says acting like a baby.
Dagger's cars slowly drift out of view as a familiar road came into sight. We unbuckled our seat belts and jumped out of the car as we walked into the huge building.
"AN AIRPORT?!! REALLY?!!" Ash yells as we walk in.
I shush him and get our tickets. We board the plane a while later.
"Hey boss lady." One of the gang members try to get my attention. When they catch my attention, they look me straight in the eye. "Just what I thought, you aren't a phoney."
"And maybe I ask why, you thought that."
"Well, because, there have been a lot of people who pretend to be related to the dick over there." He says motioning to Ash.
"And you're the only one who has the same birthmark shaped like a gun, right next to your eye." Another person finishes.
"Oh, yeah! I forgot about that!"
"Jeeze you're bipolar!" Someone mumbles.
"Who said that!" I stand up in my seat and search for who could say such a rude thing.
"Us." An unknown voice says as I slowly turn around.
"Oh, you." I snarl.
"Ya me. You thought you could get rid of us?" They answered with a snarl.
"Ray, Zach, and Blade what a pleasure!"
"What happened to them, and don't lie."
"They decided to join Kayd."
"But. I didn't leave them to die. They slumped on the ground and I thought they were just taking cover."
"OK. We believe that. But, who are your friends?" They asked pointing behind me.
"Well, that motherfudgecaking asshole right there is my 'secret' twin brother. And this is his gang."
"Why are you getting off, here?" I asked as I sat down next to them and Blade had a face that made him look constipated. I just laughed and soon they responded.
"We were tracking you."
"MOTHERFUDGING ASSHOLEES!!!" I screamed at them. They jumped back as Ash pushed me down in my seat.
"Calm down!!" He screamed at me.
"OK, assholeees." I say teasing them then I pulled out a pillow and blanket.
"Man girl! You packed prepared!" Zach said as he started stealing my humongus pillow, I just shrugged.
Once my head touched my pillow, I was out like a light.
I woke up hours later in a car. I looked up and saw everybody looking away and I decided to lighten the mood.
But then a monster came... "HOLY MOTHER OF FUDGECAKING SKITTLES!!!!! THERE'S A FUDGING CREEPY SPIDER!!!!!" I screamed as everyone got out their guns and searched for the threat.
"Really." Ray said as he arched his eyebrow.
"Yes really, motherfudger. It was about thiiiis big." I said making a little, tiny, tiny circle with my fingers.
"Cool. We're here." Ash said as we arrived home.
"MY BABY!!!" I yelled running up to my motorcycle.
"A K20 RR TURBINE SUPERBIKE??!!!" Ash said as he saw my baby and everyone awed.
"Yup, now inside." I said coldly as memories rushed into my head.
"I'm hungry." They complained.
"K, I'll make dinner." I said as I went to the kitchen, grabbed everything I needed and cooked it. 30 minutes later I finished and looked at what I had made. It was vegetables with some mashed po-tat-toes and steak, but also chips on the side.
I walked in and gave everyone their food. I looked to my right and saw the two empty seats that I have always hated. That was Kayd's and Alisha's chairs. I started remembering when mom would make this and they would play with their food.
I sat down as Alisha and Kayd sat across from each other, Alisha sat next to me where she usually sat and they started picking at their food. Kayd started sneakily throwing chips at Alisha and I, as she threw the mashed potatoes and it splattered against Kayd's face like a pie.
"Hey no fair! I don't have any mashed po-tat-toes to throw at your!" Kayd fired at Alisha as I threw my unwanted broccoli at him and it hit him right in the nose and Alisha cracked up at this, I then grabbed all my veggies and chucked them at Kayd as he fell to the floor and we laughed our butts off.
*End of flashback*
I felt a warm tear stray down my face as I didn't wipe it away.
"Hey, it's OK. Their in a safe place now." Zach soothed.
"I know... I just... Miss them SO, SO much." I cried as I walked up the stairs and went to the bathroom. I found my pocket knife and dug it into my skin. It was weirdly satisfying. I slit my wrists as I didn't feel an ounce of pain. I then started slicing my stomach as the pain intensified. I bit my lip in a try to not scream but I was about to scream when my window flew open and a hand slapped over my mouth. I struggled, but didn't scream.
"Calm down, please." The voice said soothingly.
I calmed down as I let them bandage me up.
"Can you come with me?"
I just nodded, not wanting to speak.
"Can you speak?" The person asked.
I nodded but hung my head low and let them carry me like I was a feather. They carried me too a car and I just stared out the window as the rain drops slowly fell onto the window, and soon the car was soaking. Soon, we got to our destination and 6 hooded figures surrounded us, I shivered at the coldness as they held me at gunpoint.

"Who. Are. You."
The voice hit me and there was only one word I could muster out.


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