A feeling

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Walking up the door you rang the bell and heard how everyone inside the house told the other to open. You couldn't help but laugh, these boys never changed. The door opened eventually and Edward welcomed you wholeheartedly with a big hug before he motioned you to come inside.

"Boys," his voice boomed in your ear, "(M/N) is here, say hello." They all ran down the stairs like a hurricane, trying to be faster than Luffy. Marco even flew down the stairs. But the quirky youngest used the staircase and his rubber arms to slingshot himself in your direction. "(M/N), catch me." He screamed, laughing like a maniac. Edward caught his over-enthusiastic son before he collided with you. Taking a deep breath of relief you thanked the tall man. Suddenly you got hugged by the older brothers first whilst Luffy pouted between Newgate's arms. Freeing himself out of his grip he finally cuddled you, hiding his face in your shirt. He scrunched his nose, sniffing you. "You smell funny," he claimed, still not letting go of you. Shrugging it off you changed the subject:

"I wanted to ask you guys if you'd help me pick a new phone. That man that shot me still has my old one and I'd like him to keep it."

"Why?" Thatch raised an eyebrow.

"Because he might still think that I'm buried six feet underground. I want it to stay that way."

Before anyone could say something Luffy yelled: "I'll kick his ass if he comes too close to you!" He hugged you even tighter until Edward scolded him for squishing you like that. Thatch, Ace, and Luffy volunteered to help you with your phone. Marco and Sabo stayed to welcome the new girl Edward had mentioned before. Wiggling your eyebrows at the younger blonde, causing him to blush furiously, you got in the backseat of Thatch's car. Luffy sat next to you, instantly closed up for a cuddle. A strange sensation filled your body. Not even two hours ago you had sex with Sir Crocodile. Now you were cuddling Luffy in the backseat of Thatch's car. It wasn't much, you always cuddled like that but this time it felt like everything you needed to survive. Before the incident in Doflamingo's save you thought you only were alive when you could word for Mr.0 Now you felt like you cheated on your best friend.

Ace and Thatch bickered about what music to listen to through the whole drive, always switching in between channels. The four of you reached the mall rather fast, got out of the car and walked a beeline for the first electronic device shop in sight. They had a shit tone of phones to choose from and it didn't take long until Luffy grew bored.

Ace was the one to finally bring you one you could actually handle. Upon finally leaving the shop you noticed that Luffy was gone. Thatch was the first to panic so you headed to every restaurant inside the mall. But the ravenette was nowhere to be seen. You decided to split up and rushed in different directions.

"Lu, where are you? Luffy please say something!"

You walked around the place for what felt like hours, growing more worried by the second until you eventually found the quirky black haired boy. He stood in front of two men. You recognized them as Shanks an Mihawk.

"Lu, don't just sneak away like that." You said, closing in on the three of them. Hugging him from behind you rested your chin on his shoulder.

"Why not? I was bored and saw Shanks."

"But you worried us."

"Oh, I didn't want you to worry about me (M/N), sorry!"

"It's okay. At least now I know you are okay."

"Haha, you two are cute," Shanks giggled like a child. Both of you blushed but you didn't let go of Luffy. Not until the red-haired smirked and suggestively chirmed:

"Someone got lucky not long ago, huh?" Luffy raised an eyebrow,

"What do you mean,?" he asked, obviously confused. Pointing at you Shanks explained, "The hickey, on his neck." You left in a hurry, excusing yourself. Soon you noticed that Mihawk followed you, stopping you looked over at him.

"Luffy looked like he was about to cry when you walked away so I told him that I'd ask you what's wrong." He explained without hesitation, "you two aren't a couple right?" He questioned.

"No, we're not."

"Then why did you leave?"

"Because I feel like I cheated on him and it makes me sick."

For a moment he just stared at you till he asked: "Are you okay (M/N)? Crocodile called me two weeks ago telling me you were dead and now you tell me that sex makes you sick."

"I slept with Crocodile," you whispered, staring at the ground. You saw that slight look of disgust on Mihawks face. It was almost hilarious to see him frowning. Taking a sharp breath he explained: "I shouldn't be the one to tell you this, but please know that he called you his dead little toy that perished because of a fake sword. He didn't sound like you were important to him, more like an inconvenience. "

You felt so stupid in that moment. Like a naive little boy. It got even worse when a part of you wanted to deny what Mihawk had said.

But all of a sudden you started to smirk. You raised your head to look at him, "I didn't die. And not for a fake sword. The so-called fake one is the one I left after I took the real one. I always replace what I take with a replica. I've got your sword in my backpack at home." Mihawk shook his head and patted your shoulder as you quickly felt like a tiny dog that did something really good after a scolding.

"You are a smart one," he said, a soft smirk on his face, "I'll give you my address, bring it to me and I'll pay you there." A big smile on your face you agree to bring him the weapon this evening.

Peeking over Mihawks shoulder you saw Luffy and Shanks closing up on you. They appeared to be in a conversation so you let them be and called Ace with your new phone to inform him that you found Lu and that you'd meet the both of them back at the car. When Shanks and Luffy closed in you saw your friend smiling, but still a bit sad.

Ruffling his hair you chirped: "Hey Lu, sorry that I left. We're supposed to meet your brothers at the car." There he was, his usual happy self-was back again, grabbing your hand he pulled you along. Leaving the mall you saw Thatch and Ace already sitting in the car. They seemed to have finally agreed on a radio channel as they both decided to ignore the music to scold Luffy for running off. Joke's on them though, because their little brother leaned against you, softly snoring with a little snot bubble coming out of his nose. You smiled as he cuddled up to you murmuring in his dream.

All the way back you thought about what Mihawk had told you. That you were nothing but a toy for Crocodile. And it was kind of obvious now. If you were important, then Doflamingo would've already known about you. He would have kept your whole body, not just your mask and jacket. It made sense but you still wanted to hear it from him. That's what you promised yourself, running your fingers through Luffy's hair a warm feeling spread throughout your body. Coming up Newgate's driveway you spotted an unfamiliar, silver car, Thatch immediately recognized it as the girl's car as he got out. You had to carry Luffy as every attempt to wake him up failed miserably.

Entering the house the four of you were welcomed by Edward, Marco, Sabo, and a strawberry blond girl, who was named Koala, according to Ace who hugged her straight away. Promising them that you'd shortly be with them you carried Luffy to his room upstairs.

Opening the door with your elbow you entered the mess he called his bedroom. Walking up to his bed you tugged him in the blankets as careful as humanly possible. You jumped when his eyes snapped open and his arms snaked around your form, bringing you closer to him again. "(M/N) are you okay?" He asked, a bit tired but serious. You gulped, aching to tell him a lie you restrained yourself from doing so.

"I feel a bit strange Lu, but I'll be okay soon. Just have to talk to someone that's not as nice as I thought."

"That funny smelling person?" He asked, fighting his sleepiness. You nodded, giving him a small peck on the forehead, "sleep tight Lu, see you later." He only blinked before sleep overtook him again. You left the room soon after.

The thief. Sir Crocodile x male reader x LuffyWhere stories live. Discover now