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You finally reached Mihawks Manson. It was a bit spooky, but Edward told you that there was nothing to be afraid of. At least as long as Hawkeyes invited you. It was dark and his garden was a self-made forest. Pushing the tiny button for the doorbell you uneasily shifted your weight from one leg to the other, playing with your thumbs. The door opened with a slight clicking noise. A nice, young, female voice reached your ears.

"Hello, did Mihawk invite you over?" She asked, tilting her head. She had long pink locks, round eyes, and a similar round head. A black and white dress covered her body perfectly. Watching her for a couple of seconds you realized that you knew her.

"Hey Pero, yes I've got something for Mihawk and he wanted me to bring it today."

"Is that you (M/N)? Please, come in. I haven't seen you after you kicked Teach through the wall after he grabbed Bonney's ass."

"I wasn't allowed to come back after that and started some shit. How are you? do you know how Bonney's been?"

"Aw, I was so sad when you left! You were so cute and always brought the best cookies with these really adorable icing. I'm fine I help Hawkeyes with his students and can live here. Bonney left town just a year ago but I can give you her number if you want. You two were like siblings back then." You followed her into the foyer, watching her back you sighed:

"That would be nice, though I'm not sure if she wants to hear from me. The last time we talked with each other we had a fight like a world war."

"Nonsense" she came to an abrupt halt, turning on her heels, "she always wanted to talk to you but no one really knew where to find you." She pointed at a door, "Mihawk is in there I'll be back soon." She walked off and you knocked, waiting for an answer and entered the room when you received one.

"Hello Mihawk!" you gave him a quick wave, he just nodded, a glass of red wine in his hand.

"You look happy (M/N), what happened?"

"I'm just happy to finish the job. I told you I'd have it in two nights, that was two weeks ago with a short-term relationship with death in between."

"Saying it like that makes your life sound like a book." He said a tiny grin on his face.

"Would you read something like that?"

"If I get to know the whole story, sure." He claimed amused, raising his glass to his lips. Carefully you got the sword out of your bag, placing it on the table between you and him. He put the wine down to inspect the weapon.

"You took good care of it, I'm impressed."

"Well, I got shot because of it, so taking care of it was the least I can do." You slightly shifted in your seat.

"Wait here, I'll be back soon."

Perona puffed her cheeks at Mihawk, "how rude, he didn't even ask if you want something to drink." You had to admit that she caught you off guard, startled at the sound of her voice.

"I won't stay long, Pero, there really is no need for that." You explained, but she wouldn't hear any of it. She jumped when Mihawk moved her away to enter the room again.

"He is right Perona, no need to be intrusive," He held a rather big metal suitcase in his hand, "I allowed myself to give you a raise for the inconvenience. I'm truly sorry that it went this way (M/N) but I still hope that you won't say no if I happen to have a job for you in the future."

"I'm honored Hawkeye, I'll gladly be at your service whenever you need me." You assured a soft smile on your face. He opened the suitcase in front of you, thousands of Beli notes were stacked inside. It was far more money than you had expected. Speechless you stared at the man who had a slight grin on his face. Closing the suitcase again he slid it over to you.

"Do as you're pleased with it (M/N) it's yours. I'll call you as soon as I need your services again."

You just nodded, thanked him multiple times and let Perona lead you back to the entrance. Before she said goodbye she gave you a little piece of paper with Bonney's number written on it. You thanked her and drove off. Now there were only three things left to do.

1. Telling your uncle the truth about your job.

2. Quit working for Crocodile

2. Get your emotions together.

Two of these things wouldn't be as easy as telling your uncle that you worked for a criminal and broke into his workplace several times. You were the reason for his late night shifts. He might be pissed, but if he would then you'd ask Edward if you were allowed to crash at his for a night or two. You were happy. Happy because you left the hospital because you got to finish that job, about the fact that you could finally stop lying to the people you loved, because Mihawk wanted you to work for him, you were still alive and you were happy to finally realize how important you were for your friends.

Plus, you had so much money and no idea what to do with it.

'I could take Kuzan, Edward, and his boys as well as the others out to eat. Or buy a house or a small ass island. Would probably still have some left.'

You smiled at yourself and stopped in the driveway of your uncle's house. His parked car told you that he was home and you opened the door.

"Arara, look who's back." He chimed from the kitchen.

"Kuzan, would you mind to come into the living room?" You asked, placing your suitcase on top of the coffee table. He obliged raising an eyebrow. His gaze wandered over your form.

"So, you had a good day?" He questioned, sitting down on the sofa. You agreed, "Yes I had. And I need to tell you something important." He leaned towards you motioning you to go on.

And with that, you told him everything. About how you started as a thief, how you got to Crocodile. You told him about the times you stole from the police and that you were the one that broke the window on the second floor. You even told him about the sword and that you had sex with Crocodile, even though this wasn't a necessary detail. There wasn't a single thing you left out. He was your uncle, he took you in when your parents didn't want you anymore he more than deserved to know the truth.

After recapping the past years you finally sighed, "And this," opening the suitcase you showed him the money, "is what Mihawk paid me for the sword." You watched him anxious, awaiting his response. The tall man folded his hands in front of his face, took a deep breath.

"I did know that you were a thief because I was the one to lead Sakazuki out of his office some time ago. However, I did not know what you took or who you worked for. I just trusted you to tell me someday. And you did," He got up to his feet and walked up to you, his hands resting on your shoulders, "I can't say that I'm proud of what you did. But I won't arrest you either. Just promise me that you'll stop working for this criminal pervert and get yourself a troublemaker." You agreed, sniffling a bit he took you in for a hug. "I love you like my son big one, an I'm your shitty dad uncle dude."

"You are the best dad uncle dude I could've wished for." You laughed, tightening the hug. He only chuckled, hands brushing over your hair.

The thief. Sir Crocodile x male reader x LuffyWhere stories live. Discover now