Chapter 10: How are they?

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"Are you really that forgetful now? Maybe we should take you to the doctor and let them scan your brain if it's damage in any ways. Damn, that doctor didn't know how to do their job. I might as well sue them...", Jin hyung whisper the last two sentences with a murderous look. My eyes widen and I have no word to discribe how mad Jin hyung is right now for no good reason. Is this really the Kim Seokjin I know? The hyung that I can't live without? I couldn't tell.

"Hyung...I'm not forgetful. I...may not be paying any attention when Namjoon hyung try to explained it to me...last night?", I slowly carve weak smile. Jin hyung went dumbfounded. A few second later, I suddenly feel a pinch on my side and I jump, let out a small yelp from my mouth. "Yah, Jeon Jungkook. How can you not paid attention to someone talking to you?'re still got that bad habit of yours even when you lost your memory. I should remind you how to deal with the other members and how to respond to them when you're being ask. Maybe I could write it down on your notebook as your guidance".

"I...what?", I raise an eye brow. "Hyung, I don't need a guide book to my hyungs. I can memorize it up in my head. You just gotta tell me what I need to know. Now you're just treating me like I have some kind of a mental illness or something". I pout, puffing my cheecks. Jin hyung give me a sad look and try to play with my puffy cheecks with his forefinger. He even tightening our embrace so that not even a gap can be found in between us.

"Awwh...don't get upset by what I said. It just show that I care about you so much. Not that you have an illness or disease or mental disorder. You just got an amnesia. Well, your brain does go back to when you were 19. So it can't be help but to put reminders for you right?", Jin hyung try to make me smile by giving me one of his. It does spread it on me coz I'm returning back a smile. Jin hyung is right. I do need a guide book and reference on my hyungs and about 'the present me'. I've been missing alot since I've got this amnesia. I wanna know what I've been doing this whole time. How I'd change for the better... or even what all the Armys been up to. God, I miss them so much. I haven't been talk to the Armys for a long time now and what have they been up to. It's kinda makes me feel heartbroken.

"Hyung...", I sound a little upset. Jin hyung can tell by the sound of my tone that something feel off. Jin hyung just keep quiet and letting me continue what I want to say. "How was the Armys while I'm gone? Are they doing fine? Did something happened to them? Did any Armys got involved in a fight with other fandom? Did they behave well? Do they know about my condition?Hyung, I worried about them. Not just when I've got this amnesia thingy, but also the 'me' from the present. I want to know every single details about them. Sigh, I feel rather useless without my memories. I-", Jin hyung stop me by pushing his finger on my lips.

"You're rather talkative when you start having amnesia, don't cha?", Jin hyung ask. I blink my eyes a couple of time. "Look, I know you have so much to be worrying right now but nothing of those can make you feel better if you start to dig into your own past. You'll only get yourself hurt. Not physically, but mentally. Firstly, they had been informed about your condition. Bang PD-nim had told them that you'd got badly injured and may have an amnesia. So in case we went outside or go to a fan meet, they'll be more careful about your surrounding and how to interact with you. You don't have to worry about the Armys, they were fine. We've got fan war last time with Exo-Ls since MMA but now it's been settled. But that just it, okay? No more going backwards. All you have to focus right now is going forwards. Let the memories flow on its own. That way you can recover fast. Understand?". I blink again and nod.

I don't get it. How does Jin hyung do that? I mean, he know how to make me silent myself whenever I got nervous or being concious about myself. In just a single word, stare and even a hush can make me quiet. Is Jin hyung has always been that powerful when it comes to words? I don't know. What I do know, Jin hyung is now more mature than he was from the last couple of years. He's all grown up...

Author's note:

Hey Armys💕, what's up? How you guys been doing? Yeah, I've got this terrible fever and a very bad cold since last week, my voice are gone for a couple of day. I gotta tell ya, it been a very difficult day. I've gone to many hardship inside the office and also outside because I can't have a proper conversation with other people. I can't do sign language, I didn't even study that damn thing.

Anyway...I just wanna tell you guys that you should be more careful not to catch a cold. It's really going to make your day one of a hellish. And I just wanna tell you guys, I don't really want to keep it to myself, January 22 lies the 5th anniversary of my late bestfriend, a memorial day. So I'll be gone to my hometown back in London to take a visit to his grave and family. I just want to share it with you guys who read this chapter.

Those who have a friend that you're close to, you guys should appreciate them as long as they're still alive. Because someday...they might leave you without saying their final farewell. So Armys💕, pls appreciate your friend and tell them how much you love them from the bottom of your heart.

So I got to wrap this up. Like always, Armys💕 I love you guys wherever you are. Keep on loving our BTS boys and do vote BTS for the iheart radio, okay? This is Seven Sean, peace n I'm out.

BTS Fanfic [ Hyungs and the Maknae line]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora