Chapter Twelve | Fun Times

Start from the beginning

“I was curious as to how Batman was captured in a spiders web before being handed over a Dr we weren't suppose to know was actually The Hulk." Braydon smirked thinking of some of her retellings. He knew things like that had to be wrong, but he had enjoyed listening to her talk so didn't say anything at the time.

"So what else have you lied to me about?” Shaking his head, Braydon failed at stopping his laugh now, which only resulted in more popcorn being thrown his way.

“Um, I wasn’t lying about three-d movies, I’ll take you to one of those when something good comes out. But hey, do you blame me. It was a hostage situation, you could have wolfed out and ate me for all I knew!”

“You didn’t know the wolf thing then.”

“It was women’s intuition.” Miranda argued and once again, she wondered how she had become so accepting of it all.

“And that’s why you hid under the bed?”

“Oh shut up and watch the stupid movie!” She huffed, choosing to ignore him.

“He was sent to earth as a baby, so adjusted to our planet over time as he grew. Those guys just turned up and haven’t had the time to get used to our conditions.” Braydon quietly ran over a few other important details that had so far confused Miranda.

“It kind of makes sense now, thanks!” She blushed slightly, feeling stupid, yet catching is gaze all she saw was something that made her stomach do backflips and her heart beat a little bit faster.

“You’re welcome.” Braydon half smiled, shifting his position in the lounge so now his legs were stretched out in front of him.

Picking up the bowl of popcorn, he helped himself and Miranda crawled closer beside him, easily finding her place curled up against his side as his arm fell over her shoulders. Even with his shared wisdom, Miranda lost interest again and by the time the credits appeared she was fast asleep against him.

Finding the remote, he turned off the TV and gently moved Miranda forward so he could easily pick her up. Still asleep, she tucked her head in against his shoulder and taking her to her bed, he carefully tucked her in. He was about to leave when her hand caught his, and she pulled him back towards her.

“Stay, just don’t wake Wolfy,” she mumbled.

Braydon hesitated before moving into place beside her. He had yet to sleep in the guest bed, and it was the first night he climbed into hers as a human. Curling around Miranda protectively, he was finally able to hold her in his arms once more. Even at the hospital he had missed this. A few nights of such close contact had left him craving it. Surely Miranda felt the same if she wanted this now and then it was all ruined as he thought of Jason holding her how he was.

The thought stirred up his wolf too, and Braydon held her a little tighter causing Miranda to press herself closer against him of her own accord. Scared he would wake her and she’d send him away, he let out a heavy sigh, focusing instead on the sound of her breathing, the smell of her hair and how nice she felt against him.


 Come morning, Miranda woke the familiar sight of Braydon’s bare chest and following her arm, cringed as she realized she was hanging half way over him. Reluctant to admit it, she had never slept better and she was loosing a battle with her body, as she wanted to move before he woke up

Moving her leg from over his, she paused to find no change in Braydon. Slowly she began to roll backwards, sliding her arm carefully back to her side. How she managed to find herself in this position – again, was beyond her. At least when he was being a wolf if she woke up using him as her pillow or with his head on her stomach it didn’t feel like this; so intimate and natural. It felt right.

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