Promoting yourselves on this profile?

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Many people promote their books via commenting in others, posting on conversation pages, and sending people links

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Many people promote their books via commenting in others, posting on conversation pages, and sending people links.
Many campaigns and admin-run profiles don't allow that.
But, what do we allow?

We are pretty 'laxed on what we allow.

You can promote your book on our conversations page as long as your book is Nico di Angelo related. You can only post it on our conversations page once. Anything else/more will be deleted.

Please do not go inside of our books and promote your stories. Comments will be deleted.

You can send us links and request us to read your book. We will most likely add the book to a reading list, but no promises that we will get around to reading it ourselves. Aside from this account, both our admins have their own separate accounts, and we all have our personal lives.

Please do not spam our PM with requests to read, follow, or vote. As said before, we might add some of your books, but no promises we will read them. We also have other things to handle, so please don't send us literally all of your books,you can just say, hey, please check out my stuff. We will get around to doing so.
Please do not ask us to vote. It depends on your story and its intended age-group if we vote or not, and even so, we might not. Also, we would only vote if we read the material.
Please do not ask us to follow you. We will follow who we desire.
We also don't follow for friendship unless we know you IRL. However, you may go to our Admin's main account and request a follow via PM only.
(Edit) 4. We might also follow you if you are a very active follower on our account and feel as if we owe ya one.

Promoting Others' Works On Our Profile

We always allow friendly promotions of others' works. It is kind, generous,and honorable. However, we have a few restrictions.

You may only recommend books via comments in ours if it is relavent to a conversation with another user, and isn't actual promoting. Otherwise, your comment will be deleted and you will be muted.

Other rules from above apply as well.

Remember to please include a username before promoting someone else's work and make sure it is correct. If you cannot provide a username than your advertisement will be deleted.

Thank you, we hope this helped!

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