Casanova VS Charmer

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"I refuse."

"Come on why, this is only a favor I ask of you!"

"Because, I don't want make you a sandwich!"

Yes, Marron Chestnut and Trunks Briefs have argued over the same topic for about twenty minutes now. Marron believed it was absolutely ridiculous for him to ask her such a question, what did she look like...a cook? Trunks was pretty mad since he wasn't getting what he wanted. "Come on Ms. Chestnut." He looked up to Marron with a puppy eyes, but Marron refused. "Fine be that way!" Trunks snapped which made Marron smiled in delight, "Then just fetch me a sandwich down the street." He ordered sliding a paper of what he wanted.

Marron reluctantly took the paper off his hand and glared at him storming away to the elevator before she did he caught sight of her behind smirking slightly as she walked away. She was fuming as she stepped into that damned elevator. Why did she let him do that! Well, at least she doesn't have to make it. She leaned against the elevators wall holding the order on her two fingers as she watched the view of West City in all it's glory. The most prominent city in the world; well she could definitely see it. The streets were practically buzzing with people.

When she arrived to the lobby she grumbled taking the order in a clenched fist and walked about six blocks, or more...she didn't keep count really. Trunks really wasn't someone you can simply be reasonable with, God he was like a spoiled little brat! Marron clenched her order in her fists before stopping at the small coffee shop in the corner of the streets. It was quiet, and pretty bland as well. Strolling in, an elder woman looked up and eyed Marron following by a generous smile.

The woman tied a white apron around her waist not even looking at her, "Mr. Briefs, isn't it?" She sighed cocking her head to the side her bun getting a bit more disheveled. Marron nodded with a bit of suspicion in her cerulean blue eyes. The woman gave a sympathetic grin as Marron dropped the paper on the counter. "My, my, are you his new assistant?" The elderly woman asked while reading the order.

Marron nodded, "Yes Ma'am...ah this is his order." She murmured pointing at the paper.

The woman began preparing whatever it was her boss had ordered, while at it Marron had watched her tentatively. She seemed no older than Sixty years old with several small wrinkles adorning the corners of her face. "Ah, Bulma picked you aren't I right?" Marron glared at her nodding slowly. She sighed as she continued to cook, "Trunks is a complicated mess." She stated preparing a white styrofoam box as she churned up her nose creating ten times more wrinkles. "Take care of him, please." The white-haired woman stated pushing her glasses to the bridge of her nose handing her the box.

Marron grabbed the styrofoam box and rummaged through her purse, "M-Miss why are you telling me this?" She asked while searching for her wallet. The older woman grinned softly grabbing her hand. "W-Wha-" Marron began with a questioning look.

"No need Marron...just please, watch for him." She stated and Marron just glanced at her in utter disbelief. How did she know her name?! Better question, why must she care for Trunks. "Make sure he eats well, and...and...don't let him get into anything risky." She stammered pushing Marron out of the door. The blonde whipped her head back as the elderly woman shut the door. What did she have to do with Trunks, and how did she know her name?

The blue-eyed girl shook her head feeling a headache coming on from trying to decipher the weird events. She stormed through the streets and looked back down to her silver watch, her eyes almost bulging out of her skull. His next meeting was in five minutes and she's supposed to get there soon to remind him! Believe it or not he's a very forgetful person. Through the middle of a cross walks she began to sprint towards Capsule Corporation, and at times like this she was wondering why she didn't take a taxi.

She tried to balance on her six-inch heels as she darted at maximum speed, "Gah, Bulma will kill me!" She screamed before bumping into a set of bricks. Marron looked up and jumped, oh so those weren't was just Trunks, damn. Marron looked down to the floor as he forced her to look at him. She glanced over to his wrist hearing his impatient tapping of his foot. "H-Hello" Marron began

"You're late." He snapped cutting her off before snatching the bag from her and walking towards the building. "Come now, we have a meeting to attend." He called over his shoulder walking into Capsule Corp. Marron could feel her blood boiling, what a spoiled brat, where was her thank you?! She stubbornly followed him into the elevator leaning against the glass window. Trunks paid no attention to her but was reading a note that was left on the styrofoam box.

He felt Marron's eyes observing him so he quickly shot a glare at her, "What's that?" She asked. Trunks just kept his glare 'a la Vegeta style' towards her making her look away. "Never mind then." The blonde muttered under her breath. Marron glared over to the lavender-haired man who seemed too concentrated on the note rather than her. "Why are you acting like such a brat." Marron hissed silently before receiving another glare from Trunks.

"What did you say?" He said raising his voice just a bit more than usual which made Marron only slightly a bit uncomfortable at the sudden change of ambient. Merely seconds ago it had been nothing but child's play...what is all this! Even though her mind told her to stand down and be quiet her gut went the other way and with all the defiance and pride she had she dared to speak

"Brat, that's B-R-A-T!" now she had stuck her foot too deep into her mouth. God it was scary how his face scrunched up angrily he looked like he was about to kill her.

"I'm not a brat!" He shouted and Marron suddenly stifled a laugh...was this really happening. This seemed like something two little kids would be doing. "You're stupid." He hissed defiantly crossing his arms looking away. Trunks quickly began to wonder why he was acting this way, almost as if his eight-year old self unleashed out of his cage. He looked away from her with his nose turned towards the roof.

"You're such a kid."

Coming back from the meeting wasn't the most pleasant of conversation. Apparently Trunks messed up his presentation and blamed it all on his 'ditzy, dumb, blonde assistant' and believe it or not he got quite the earful from Marron. He even got yanked by the ear into his office. After several yelps of pain Marron decided it was best to let go of Trunks' ear before she ripped it off.

Holding his ear in pain he looked over to Marron his eyes watering up just a bit, that ear-yanking really brought back painful memories of being terribly scolded by his mother...he really did not want to relive any of those memories again. "I-I'm sorry Ms. Chestnut it won't happen again!" What kind of pathetic waste was he becoming into. He's really softened up too, father was right...he needed more training time.

"Now listen, you've got some documents to sign so I'll leave you to that." Marron told him sternly and quickly changed her tone of her voice, "Oh sir is your ditzy blonde forgetting something?" She mocked making him look down in shame, he shouldn't have blamed her for something she didn't do. "Mr. Briefs this was entirely your fault, I gave you those papers you irresponsible, spoiled little..." Marron immediately stopped looking over to him completely changing her demeanor.

"Nevermind." Trunks cocked his head to the side watching her personality take a switch. He'd been so mad at her he hadn't notice she wore a shorter skirt than usual which really made him wonder what it was like beneath them. He shook aside those thoughts when he looked up finding Marron's eyes. He licked his lips but quickly turned away, he was still wondering...How the hell was he supposed to get her in his bed. Marron was such a complex girl sending him seductive vibes one minute and the next she just showed complete disinterest.

Right now he could see everything reflect off her eyes, and yet somehow...he didn't understand. Her glanced down at her hands which made her lean against the desk to glance at him. Trunks looked over to Marron's half-lidded cerulean eyes completely entranced by them and suddenly she smirked flicking him in the forehead. "Stupid." She murmured slightly before walking away


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