Big Ego

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The night was alive and the stars were brighter than ever; and Marron was out of her small apartment for the weekend. Honestly she couldn't stand work at Capsule Corp because of her employer. Trunks had made several terrible attempts to approach her and Marron almost laughed in his face when he pulled the ever so cliché pick-up lines, any other girl would have found it completely original but unfortunately for Marron she's heard it one too many times.

She couldn't deny he was still attractive, but the bastard needed to learn his lesson...and she was doing a pretty good damn job showing him. He was oblivious to the fact she didn't find any interest in him, Kami-damn was his determination never-ending. It was a constant pestering every day from nine to five. Not that she didn't somehow enjoy the pestering and feeble attempts he made. In some sort of way it was cute, or at least she would have thought that seven years ago.

But Marron, dejected, rejected, and declined every advance he made and sometimes he could hear him getting incredibly frustrated. Hopefully it doesn't get more intense than it is now...he after all had made several advances that did seem very hostile. She even had to focus more on her own paperwork. Mr. Briefs was a hell of a handful but Marron knew she'd get her way with him, one way or another. The blonde was just as determined as Trunks; that was saying a lot.

She knew that breaking the heart of a heartbreaker is probably the most difficult task a girl can face. A pretty face and smooth talking plus malicious intentions, that was what Marron described him; a real deal of a Casanova, but this femme fatale had a plan. Marron glanced into the mirror and applied a layer of matte red to her lips, the first step is to make him notice you. Marron glanced at her cerulean eyes reflecting that mischievous glint reflecting off the mirror.

Tonight she was off to the club, not a strange activity of people her age. But she wasn't going for any shot at a one night stand; she needed to practice her years practiced skills until they are completely perfected, each tease and flirt mastered. Of course she was setting up the over clichéd mind game, hard to get. Some may say it doesn't work at all but the matter of the truth was they didn't know how to play the game right.

One common mistake, dropping one to many hints. Marron made sure that her interests were as vague as her words when it came to men...and it works pretty damn well. You have to wrap yourself in a bubble enjoying life to the fullest to gain a guy's attention, if you seem desperate then it won't work. She learned that enjoying life and being single had its many advantages...Rule number one, is that you gotta have fun.

As she finished touching up her makeup she felt the mini holo-ball he gave her beep as she was about to leave her room. Clicking the tiny ball it quickly showed Trunks' pixellated face grinning. "Great what now." Marron thought with arched lip as he stared at the screen. "Yes sir what is it?" Marron asked reaching for clipboard flipping lazily through it.

"Ah I see you were going somewhere." He smirked and Marron frowned. "Anyway I was wondering..." Marron raised a brow at the inquiry tone he had set, "if you're busy." Was he asking her on a date? Marron felt repulsed how quick did he plan on moving, "If you aren't I require you're assistance in an important business meeting tonight, and it's risking several jobs...don't take it the wrong way..." Marron gave a sigh of relief, she would have come up with the terrible excuse that she felt ill if it was how she thought. "Marron, can I count on you?" He sighed looking up to the screen.

The blonde was wavering her options, if she didn't go it may risk her job and ruin the plan all itself but if she did go he might think the wrong thing. Marron thought then of the possibilities, if she went she could gain some new side-victims, maybe even get Trunks more lured into her trap. Oh the things she could do, snickering silently she looked back up to the screen. "Yes Mr. Briefs you can most definitely count on me."

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