Chapter Nine

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"Ophelia," a high pitched voice screeched out and Lance had tightened his grip around Ophelia's waist. Everyone was leaving, trying not to draw attention to them. Ophelia heard Lance's gun go off minutes before as she was surprisingly okay by it. Something in Ophelia had snapped, she was not a Bronze Dragon. Her and Lance had a lot to talk about when they returned back to his house. Ophelia did not know what to call home anymore.

Ophelia keeps thinking about the cause of events that led her to snap and it went like this: her boyfriend and best friend were sleeping together, she was shot at, she confided in Lance Lion, she was kidnapped and held hostage, her "family" was killed by Salvatore, she had her first vision since college, she found out her great great grandmother and Lance's great great grandfather were romantically involved, she saved Lance Lion and finally she found out that the family that she grew up with was not her family at all. She was in fact the heir of the Bronze Dragons.

Ophelia and Lance turned to see Adeline walking towards them. Axel, Maddox and Jasper were right next to them. Lance had a lot of questions for Ophelia involving her future with the Bronze Dragons. Lance felt Ophelia stiffen and he decided to draw circles on her waist to calm her down. "Adeline," Ophelia said with a cold tone.

Lance knew Ophelia had snapped, he knew that when she was talking to Trenton. Lance felt somewhat guilty for Ophelia now, he was unknowingly falling for every aspect of her and wanted to get to know her better. He had a plan, he was going to make her a member of the Lions. They never let girls in but hopefully it would be an exception if she accepted the offer. "I heard about your family darling I am so-."

"Sorry. I know. What are you really sorry for though Adeline? Sleeping with my boyfriend and ruining my life?" Jasper let out a low chuckle and Axel hit him in the gut.

"Ophelia, I can not apologize for that enough-." Ophelia had cut her off again. Every anger that Ophelia had at that moment came rushing out towards Adeline.

"I do not want your shitty apology!" Lance tugged Ophelia softly and she looked up at his stone cold gaze. Lance had brought her back to reality, she was here with him.

"Babe, let's get going," Lance called and Ophelia felt her heart swell as she smiled softly to herself.

"Wait, you are hanging out with Lance Lion? What the bloody hell Ophelia? Andrew told me you were seeing someone new. Andrew said he was a prick," Adeline confesses and Lance was on the verge of finding Andrew and kicking his ass. Lance knew that he did not deserve Ophelia's time of day.

"You still talk to Andrew? Oh tell him that he left something at my office when he came to propose." Ophelia reached into the jacket pocket and when she pulled her hand out, she stuck her middle finger up. Lance tugged at Ophelia's waist and the group walked away. Lance stopped Ophelia as the others continued on and Lance pulled her close to him. Ophelia was happy with the sudden contact and Lance had calmed her anger down without saying anything. Lance smiled, only letting Ophelia see him like this. "God, your smile is magnificent."

Moments like this for the two were rare and Ophelia saw Lance slowly come out of his shell when he was around her. Moments like this made them both feel normal, like the world had stopped and Lance was not leading a gang or Ophelia was not an heir to Lance's rivals. "Come on," Lance called and they had continued the journey to the exit of the casino.

Girls were throwing themselves at Lance left and right. What shocked Ophelia was that Lance did not care about the other girls and kept his head straightforward. Sometimes Lance's grip would even tighten on Ophelia when the girls would not quit. Ophelia would occasionally send the girls death glares and they would scurry off to a random table, filled with other men. A guy from behind Ophelia and Lance had the nerve to catcall at Ophelia. Lance had turned around to scold the guy but Ophelia was quicker. Ophelia turned and grabbed the guys private area in a death hold. "Do that again and I am picking oranges. Or in your case, grapes."

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