Chapter Eight

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Lance knew that she was eavesdropping on the meeting. Lance knew this life was not meant for Ophelia, she was too pure but Lance needed to do this. "What are you talking about Ophelia," Lance said as he moved to stand up. Zack was busy ushering the two little girls out and into a different room. Ophelia stopped Lance's movement by putting a small hand on his large bicep. Ophelia looked so little and terrified in that moment. "Let's get you off the floor." Lance sighed and picked Ophelia up. The theater room was huge, one wall was a huge screen. It reminded Ophelia of Barney's tv on How I Met Your Mother. Four beds were pushed together with random pillows and there were about five couches all over the room.

Lance picked Ophelia up bridal style, Ophelia's body was cold as Lance wondered if she felt her cold body temperature. Ophelia tried to get Lance's attention by calling his name but he would just shush her every time while he laid her down on the edge of one bed. Lance turned to see if Zack was there but Ophelia gripped onto his hand.

Ophelia's hand was freezing but Lance found himself not caring. Ophelia smiled up at him and she looked so beautiful Lance thought. Her golden locks were spread out all over the place and her face had a wide grin. Lance had never seen a girl look more angelic than Ophelia. Ophelia pulled Lance down next to her right as Zack walked in. Without knowing it, a smile found it's way onto Lance's face, it was a real smile and Ophelia found herself getting lost with his mesmerizing smile.

Zack was shocked that Lance was smiling, he had been in the gang since Lance's parents died. Lance hired him to be at the house for emergencies in case anyone attacked at the house again. Zack did not know whether to interrupt or let them be. Ophelia suddenly shuddered, chills escaped and Lance took her in his arms. Lance frantically looked around the room until his eyes landed on Zack who was walking into the room. "Her body is so cold, I do not know what to do," Lance said frantically. Zack took the angel out of Lance's arms as she shivered again.

"Go look for blankets," Zack ordered as Ophelia moved in closer to Zack, feeling his warmth. Lance went to the closet and pulled out about ten blankets to turn around. Lance felt his blood boil as he saw Ophelia moving closer to Zack.

"I am so cold," her soft voice spoke out as Zack motioned for Lance to bring the blankets. Ophelia moved her head more into Zack's chest and Lance wanted to yell at Zack to get out. But Zack was the only person that could help her.

"Wrap her up in the blankets, close all the windows. Dress her warmer okay?" Zack spoke slowly, just to make sure that Lance understood as he handed Ophelia over to Lance. Lance took Ophelia in his arms and ran up the stairs into his room. Lance lightly set her down before grabbing a sweatshirt and his sweatpants.

Ophelia knew that she was in no position to change her clothes herself. Ophelia wanted to believe that Lance would not try anything. She hoped Lance could control himself around her. "Lion." Ophelia used his nickname, it was so soft he hardly missed what she called him. Ophelia motioned to the clothes and she swore she saw Lance gulp.

Lance moved slowly, it was painfully slow for Ophelia as she lay there. Ophelia was never one to be body conscious but Lance had brought out feelings that she suppressed down. Lance reached for the hem of the thin material shirt Ophelia was wearing. Lance looked back into Ophelia's eyes while she nodded, letting him know that she was ready.

Lance slowly moved the shirt over Ophelia's head and when the cold air hit her almost bare upper half, she shivered. Ophelia could have sworn she heard Lance mutter something under his breath before he put a sweatshirt over Ophelia. Lance slowly unbuttoned her jeans, it was annoyingly slow but they both were trying to savor this moment. Lance slowly slid her jeans off but did not put the sweatpants on right away. Instead Lance drew circles on her hipbones and suddenly Ophelia felt like her body was on fire but she did not mind. "So beautiful," Ophelia heard Lance mutter before putting his sweatpants on her. "I, uh, temperature." Ophelia furrowed her eyebrows and Lance's incoherent sentence as he went to change the temperature in the room.

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