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He woke up with a start, jumping from his makeshift bed -a matchbox.

"Master! Master!" He called to his master, momentarily forgetting about the patient in the room. Tapestries of ancient Chinese writings hung over the walls, cherry blossoms surrounding the room. The client lay on his stomach, a short, greying man in a red shirt with white flowers moving his hands above his back. Almost instantly the 'Master' looked at his little companion, grunting as he did and causing the man to look up at him in annoyance.

"Mmm, Master. Master." He tried to cover up by pretending it was a ritual. Looking at the confused man below him, he gave him an awkward smile and put his hands together. "Chanting. It's all part of the treatment." Moving his body to face different directions, he called out "Master" a couple more times before pushing his patient out the door. "Thank you for coming! See you again next week!" He turned back to his friend, who hovered just in front of his face.

"Master. The Moth Miraculous. I felt its aura."

"I thought it had been lost forever." He spoke with his hand on his chin. The small creature sensed that the Miraculous was in the hands of evil, and spoke his thoughts out to his Master. Agreeing that they needed to find it and their lost friend, the Master spoke to him.

"Time to transform! Wayzz-" All hopes of transforming were gone as his back cracked, sending him to the floor in pain. Wayzz scolded him, his master wasn't going to be able to do anything due to his age.

"I'm still young! I'm only one hundred eighty-six!" He retorted though he did agree with his kwami that he needed to find someone or two to replace him. Preferably younger people but not too young; they weren't destroyed by the pressure of everyday work like adults, but not oblivious to the world around them. He needed teenagers. He entered a key in the hidden keypad on his old record player, taking out the earrings of the Ladybug and the ring of Cat Noir.


On his journey to find Ladybug and Cat Noir, he stumbled upon a school, across the road from a bakery. He saw a girl around the age of fourteen rushing out with a box of macaroons, and almost tripping over her feet as she tried to stop running before she crashed into the car that was coming. Well, before the car crashed into her. Even though he knew he was risking his life, he stepped onto the road before the light turned green, hoping to catch her attention -which he did, mind you. Before the incoming car could hit him, the raven-haired girl rushed onto the street and quickly helped him back onto the sidewalk, dropping her box as she did so. She hurriedly picked it up, letting the man take one as they conversed for a few seconds, before dashing across the road in an attempt to make it to class on time.

"Have a nice day sir!" She called to him as she scrambled away.

He shook his head in approval as he looked at the intricate black box in his hands. "Thank you very much, young lady." He didn't want to appear as though he had lost his mind, so he headed in the same direction, planning on walking around the block and back to the school's entrance; he knew that this was the perfect place to find a Cat Noir, just as he had found the next Ladybug. His point was proven correct as he came across a blond-haired boy, trying to escape from the car following him.

"Adrien, please reconsider!" He heard a woman call out to a young boy. "You know what your father wants."

"But this is what I want to do," the boy spoke back to her. The master saw this as the perfect time to see if this boy was the right person.

He grunted in pain, pretending to fall over and lose his cane. Just as he expected, the young man turned to look in his direction before running over to help him up and pass him his cane.

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