1| Addison Grace

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Addison pov:

Hi, my name is Addison, or Addie for short. I live in New York City with my mummy and daddy, my dad is in the military so he's always gone, sometimes mummy gets sad and hurts me but it's ok cause I know she misses daddy and I do too, we live in Dorchester Tower, I love the doorman his name is Mr. Benny. When daddy is around mummy never hits me, I can hear mummy and daddy in the kitchen yelling about something, I continued to play with my barbie

"Addie, want to go get some ice cream?" Daddy asked 


"Ok go get some shoes and a coat on" Daddy said 

I can't tie my shoes yet so I skipped to the kitchen where daddy and mummy were 

"Can you tie my shoes?" I asked daddy 

"Of course Addie!" he said and tied my shoes

We walked out in the hall to the elevator and I got to push the 'L' button which means 'Lobby' the doors opened into the lobby and Benny was at the desk 

"Good evening Miss. Addison," Benny said in a fancy voice making me laugh 

"Good evening Mr. Benny" I said in the same fancy voice

The ice cream shop isn't that far away from our building, daddy held my hand all the way to the ice cream shop. When he opened the door there was a little bell on the door that I really wanted to ring but I didn't want to get in trouble, I don't think daddy would ever hurt me.

"Ok Addie, what do you want?" Daddy asked holding me up to the ice cream counter 

"I want strawberry with some chocolate syrup and extra sprinkles!!" I said 

"Nice choice" The lady behind the counter said smiling 

Daddy got a vanilla with some cherries, we sat down at a table on the opposite sides

"How was your day daddy?"

"It was good, how was yours baby?" Daddy asked 

Any day that mummy didn't hurt me was a good day

"I liked it" I said 

"Ok Addie, I know this isn't going to be easy" Daddy said "But I have to go again, tomorrow"

"I tried to wait as long as I could to tell you, I'm sorry Addie"

My heart felt like it stopped and my eyes filled with tears, 

"But Daddy," I said starting to cry "You can't leave I turn five next month" 

"Addie, it's my job I have to" Daddy said 

As much as I want to be mad at him, I need to remember this time I have with him before mummy starts hurting me

"How about this, on your birthday we can FaceTime?" 

"That's not the same daddy"I said 

"Addison, it's the best I can do I am sorry baby but that's just how it is"

"I want to go back home."I said crossing my arms 

I could tell daddy was sad which made me sad. When we got up I gave him a huge hug, I'm going to miss hugging him everyday

We walked back to our building and this time daddy pushed the button for our floor, he usually lets me push the button. 

"Hello Miss Addison" Mummy said trying to give me a hug but I dogged it and went to my room

How can he do this to me? I love mummy but I also hate her, I feel like if I even flinch she'll hit me or push me. I cried myself to sleep, it felt like my heart wasn't beating. I woke the next morning and as usual I watched the workers across the street build something, after about 15 minuets of watching them daddy came in 

"Hey Addie," He said but I didn't turn around, I just kept looking out my window 

"Addison don't do this" Daddy said 

I couldn't take it anymore, tears started streaming down my face 

"Addison please" Daddy said putting a hand on my shoulder which made me flinch cause mummy usually puts her hand on my shoulder when she's about to hurt me 

"No" Is all I said 

"I won't be gone too long, 5 months" Daddy said 

"5 months? That's going to be forever and ever" I said finally turning around

"I'll call and email you as much as I possibly can" Daddy said giving me a kiss on the forehead

"I love you Addison Grace" Daddy said giving me the biggest hug ever

"I love you more daddy" I said starting to cry more and more

Daddy gave me a smile and held me for a few more minuets until she came in 

"Time for daddy to leave" Mummy said sounding almost not sad 

"Bye Addie Bug I love you forever and ever" Daddy said giving me one last big hug

"Bye daddy," I said and with that daddy left 

I heard the door slam and I couldn't help but cry my daddy was the only person I trusted besides Mr. Benny, I laid in bed on the nightstand was a picture of daddy I already miss him. After what felt like hours of crying my belly started growling, I tip toed into the kitchen trying to sneak past mummy, I got to the pantry and slid my hand in and grabbed something, anything 

"What are you doing!" Mummy yelled "Stop!" She yelled even louder 

"I didn't tell you that you can have a snack" She said then her hand slapped my back 

"Just cause your dad left doesn't mean you get to act like this Addison" She said hitting me again this time knocking me onto the side of the counter creating a small gash on my head

I almost started crying until I remembered that mummy is hurting too

"Go away" Mummy said pushing me really hard down the hallway making me hit a wall 

When I got into my room I laid back on my bed and hugged the picture of daddy, I gave daddy a picture of me so that he'll always have it.

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