"Thanks. Our bassist, Jaime, calls it Mexicore. He says it puts us in a group with Los Lobos and Los Lonely Boys." I explain, shaking my head at the same time. Jaime can get some crazy ideas.

"Cool. So, do you know where our bands went?" he asks, looking up at me again. I swear, I just had a heart palpitation.

"Probably at catering. We can go together. You know, if you'd like to?" he nods and I lead him to catering.

Once inside the big tent, we immediately find our bands together, talking up a storm. I point them out and we walk over.

"Guys, where'd you go? We thought we had lost you there for a second." a brown-haired guy, similar looking to Kellin, yells out. The whole room looks up at him and he sheepishly sits down, continuing his chat with a long red-headed guy.

"So, Kells, care to introduce me to your band?" I ask. He nods and leads me over to his bandmates.

"This is Brandon," the brown-haired guy talking to the red-head, "Jesse," the red-head, "Justin," a brown-haired dude, "And Gabe."

"Nice to meet you guys. I'm Vic." I try to shake their hands but instead, they pull me into a hug.

"So, Vic, care to introduce me to your band." Kellin asks and I nod happily.

"This is Jaime, our bass player. Tony, our guitar player. And last but certainly least, Mike, our drummer and my annoying little brother." I say, pointing out each member.

"Thanks bro. I really feel special now." Mike rolls his eyes, punching me softly on the arm.

"That's what siblings are for." I smile sweetly. In the corner of my eye, I see Kellin crack a smile. So flippin' adorable.

"So, now that we've introduced our bands to each other, can we please go get some food?" Kellin whines, trying to pull me over to the food line.

"Fine." I groan as he leads me over to the food line. We get our food and eat it. I finish and turn to talk to Kellin but Mike interupts before I can talk.

"Vic, come on. Remember, we have our first Bryan Stars interview today." Mike reminds me and I mentally facepalm myself, again. Of course I forgot. I mean, why wouldn't I?

"Okay." I whine dragging out the 'a'.

"Come on slow poke." Mike pulls me up as I whine, again, before turning to Kellin.

"Hey Kellin. We'll talk later, 'kay?" I ask him, hoping he'll say yes.

"Sure, why not?" Kellin agrees.

"Cool. See you soon. Bye Kells." he waves goodbye before turning to talk to Justin.

Once we are out of the tent, the guys stop me and look at me suspiciously.

"What?" I ask, generally confused.

"We thinks that Vic has a little crush on Kellin." Dammit, how did they find out?

"O-of course not. I'm straight. I don't roll that way." I defend quickly, possibly too quickly.

"Mmhhmm. Sure, we believe you. But, you did give him a nickname." Mike explains.

"And a cute one at that." Jaime jumps in. Tony just stays quiet like the little turtle that he is.

"I don't have a crush on Kellin. I barely even know him." I quickly add in. They drop it but the look on their faces says it all. They don't believe a word that is coming out of my mouth.

We get to the interview, chat with Bryan a little, then start the interview. To be honest, it was really fun. We finished quickly and since we didn't have any shows that day, we just decided to relax on the bus.

Next thing we know, it's 11pm and we are all tired. We say our goodnights to each other and head off to our respective bunks (of course I just had to have the top bunk). I eventually fall asleep but, oddly, a certain face pops into my head just before I nod off.



Yeah, I know it was short. But it was just a flashback of how they meant. (I know that this isn't when they actually met. This is a fanfiction after all. It isn't meant to be real). I hope you liked the first chapter. I'll update again on Friday. I mostly update on Fridays or weekends. I'll try and update as often as possible. Thanks for reading if you did. Comment, vote, follow me. Whatever. Author out.

~Victoria .-.

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