Chapter 1

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Bailee's POV.

I woke up to 2, no 3, wait 5!! People shaking me to wake up. I jolted up with a start when I soon realized it was my brothers and their best friends. I snuggled back into bed and hid under the blankets.
"Five more minutes!" I whined.
"Nope, get up lazy ass fool." My brother Darby said.
Then suddenly the blankets were ripped from my grasp.
"It burns, it burns!! Im melting, I'm melting!!" I hissed as I sunk to the carpet on the floor when the sunlight hit me as the blinds were opened. They just kept saying stuff like 'Lmao!' Or just cracked up rolling on the ground like children, I mean we're 16!!
"Wait, I just remembered something!" I said as I jolted up and thought of an evil plan.
"You have to come closer to hear it!" I said as they slowly inched closer.
"What is it?" They all asked in unison, to be honest it was creepy.
"Closer!" I urge them forward as they walked into my trap.
"SLEEPING IS THE BODY'S WAY OF TELLING YOU TO GO AWAY!!" I screamed in their ears as they were takin aback at my yelling.
"OK, now morning!" I say cheerfuly and skipped out of the room and slid down my staircase. I started making breakfast as the boys walked in and were holding there ears... And a little blood was coming out... Oops...
I just started cracking up as they sent daggers my way, literally. Darby kept swinging knives my way.
"Hey! What gives!" I said to them as I ran out of there and into the garage.
"Where is she?" Alec asked dumbfounded.
"I don't know, idiot! Then we would have found her by now!" Zach hissed.
I ran to the kitchen as they got closer and closer.
I ended up grabbing two spoons, a spatula, and a pan.
"Haven't we checked everywhere?" Jace asked.
"Wait... Has anyone checked the kitchen?" Ray asked.
"No." They all responded.
Then all I heard was bickering after that of who should go first.
"Fine! Fine! I'll go first!" Jace said as he walked in and I swung the door back and it hit him right in the face.
"OWWWW!!" He complained.
Then Ray walked in. I decided to throw a spoon at him, but curse his luck, 'cause it was a metal spoon. So was the other one. I heard a body fall to the floor as the 3 others walked in, I ran back to the garage door as they ran after me and I threw everything I had on me.
I ran and ran till I was in the forest, but they were on my tail. I jumped into what I thought was a mud puddle, but soon discovered it was a river. Curse my luck this morning! I swam away anyways as they waited by shore trying not to get wet. Key word:trying. I swam back over and splashed water all over them. I then swam away again and felt something graze my leg as I dismissed it as a fish. I then felt a sharp pang, and then I bit my lip trying not to scream in pain, key word:trying. I screamed in pain when I couldn't take it anymore, the boys rushed over as I looked at what had happened. There on my leg was the hugest snake bite I've ever seen laying in the middle of my leg. I tried getting up, but I was too heavy and I was starting to drown as I couldn't keep myself above water anymore. But I managed to keep my eyes open long enough for the boys to rush over, they carried me out as they called an ambulance, but there was way more than just an anbulance that came, there was 2 police cars, 3 fire trucks, and an ambulance, I kept awake as they put me on a stretcher and rolled my into the van. The boys were lucky enough and got to ride in the fire truck as I stayed in here alone and the doctor watched over me and started trying to take out the venom from my leg. And let me tell you, IT HURT LIKE HELL!!! THEY LITERALLY DIDN'T GIVE ME ANY NUMBING CREAM FOR IT!! But most of the time I was screaming in pain while they tried to calm me down. We arrived at the hospital as I was rushed into surgery. They gave me a shot that put me to sleep. And my eyelids slowly fluttered closed.

Alec's POV

Me and The Skulls (group name) were waiting until the doctors came up with the information on Bailee, but 7 more people joined us, it was Ray and Zach's brother, Blade. Bailee's boyfriend, which we all hate, but we don't say that around Bailee 'cause then I think we would be dead by now. Bailee's best friends also came, there cool, but there all boys. Literally all of Bailee's friends are boys. But our older brother, Jacob, and our older sister, Dawn, came too. I know you're wondering something like, "where are your parents?" Well, we don't have any... They were amazing but, my mom went to a place where they treat crazy people. And our dad on the other hand became a drug addict, he also turned abusive, and that was when Bailee found her confidence. She stood up to the old fool. But that ended up making our mom go insane. That day was when Bailee snapped. She lost her best friend and brother...
  Then the doctor walked out of the room and had a sad expression on his face. I ran up to him as I choked on my voice before saying,
  "Is she gonna be okay?"
  "I-im sorry." He said sadly as he stared at his shoes.
  "What happened?!" I yelled at him as I fumed and my brothers were holding me back from getting my hands on him.
  "She is going to pass soon..." He said while still staring down.
  "Can we do any-thing?" I choked on my words.
  "Ya, there is one thing... You could go in there and talk to her and keep her stable." He said as I rose up from my seat.
  "I'll do it." I said walking over to her room.
  "Wait! Before you go in... Just know, if it doesn't work then... Dont beat yourself up..." The doctor said sadly.

I walked in as she had cords connected to her every where. As I walked to her side she started whispering stuff, but I sware I heard her say,
  "K-kayd?" As I sat on a chair and started to say happy stuff as her heartbeat calmed down.
  "Remember that time when we had a water gun fight, and I shot you and you fell on the ground screaming 'help! help! I'm melting, I'm melting!!' Do you remember that? Or the time when Jacob and Dawn embarrassed all of us by posting our baby pictures on the web, and it went viral? We were embarrassed for weeks!" I chuckled at the old memories as the heart monitor went crazy.

Bailee's POV
  I awakened to a dark, damp place. I was definitely sure that this was NOT home. Then suddenly someone appeared, I never thought I'd see this person ever again.
  "K-Kayd?" I whispered almost not able to hear myself.
  "Remember that time when you had a water gun fight, and Alec shot you and you fell on the ground screaming 'help! help! I'm melting, I'm melting!!' Do you remember that? Or the time when Jacob and Dawn embarrassed Alec, Jace, Darby, and you by posting your baby pictures on the web, and it went viral? You were embarrassed for weeks!" He chuckled but kept getting too far from my reach as I sprinted after him.
  "What about that time when Finn died, you were so happy and thats when you opened up to all of us about him abusing you. Or when we rescued you from Dagger?" He said one more time before disappearing.
I was having a panic attack right now. And it was not pretty. Then out of no where the person I most feared appeared, Finn Retriever.
  "You know, I dont think your brother's attempt to wake you up will work." He said while coming nearer and nearer. I tried moving away when he started touching my cheeks, but I couldn't.
  "Ah ah ahh." He said as he planted a rough kiss on my lips, he bit my lip asking for entrance, but I couldn't move, so it backfired on him.
  "Oh right!" He said as he walked away and stood where Kayd stood before.
  "Do you remember that time when I abused you? Or when Kayd died? Weren't those the most terrible things that happened, or when you were kidnapped and tortured everyday?" He said making me somehow fall onto my knees, balling my eyes out.
  Then Kayd appeared out of thin air and there was a blue and green potal next to him. And the same thing happened to Finn he disappeared, then reappeared with a purple portal. Then they said three words that could change your life.

       "Life or Death?"

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