The Avatar Returns - Part 3

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When Aang stepped up to the firebender, he and his men surrounded the boy with arrow tattoos. With three bouts of wind, all of those loyal to the fire nation were covered in snow.

"Looking for me?" Aang challenged.

"You're the airbender?" questioned the firebending leader.

Looking at him now and listening to him speak; I could tell their leader wasn't much older than I am. He also had a scar covering nearly half his face, definitely a burn.

"You're the Avatar?!" he then questioned as though it were the most outlandish thing he's ever seen.

Shocked by this newest revelation my jaw went slack. Aang is the Avatar? I thought he died a hundred years ago. How did we manage to find him?


"No way."

Good to know Sokka and Katara are feeling the exact same way I'm feeling right now.

"I've spent years preparing for this encounter," the boy with the scar continued, "Training, meditating. You're just a child!"

"Well, you're just a teenager," countered Aang.

Scar boy did not like this rebuttal, sending a flame directly at Aang. Aang spun his staff barely stopping the flames from reaching himself. Their battle continued. Some of the flames were reaching back at us as we huddled behind Aang.

Seeing our fear, Aang turned back to the young firebender. "If I go with you, will you promise to leave everyone alone?"

With a nod, Scar boy retracted from his battle stance and fire nation guards began leading Aang onto their ship.

Katara step forward, " No! Aang, don't do this!"

Looking back calmly," Don't worry, Katara. It'll be okay." Starting up the drawbridge, "Take care of Appa for me until I get back!"

The last thing we heard was "Head a course for the Fire Nation. I'm going home" and the fire nation ship left.

I had tears in my eyes, threatening to spill. He is so brave.

The village was silent as we all tried to clean up all the destruction caused by the ship. Sokka approached me, grabbed my hand and dug me to his tent.

"Gather your things. I guarantee Katara will want to chase down that ship, so I think it best that we get our stuff together. We'll be leaving soon."

I rushed to my tent and collected some of my belongings. Feeling at the glove on my right hand, I checked to make sure my mother's ring was still in place on my finger. 'It will bring you luck', she once said to me. Better not lose it now, I'm gonna need all the luck I can get.


Walking alongside Sokka we approached a small canoe.

"We have to go after that ship, Sokka. Aang saved our tribe, now we have to save him." Katara said determinedly while looking out at the water.

"Katara, I --," Sokka started. Katara swiftly cut him off.

"Why can't you realize that he's on our side? If we don't help him, no one will. I know you don't like Aang, but we owe him and –," she rants not turning to look at us.

"Katara! Are you gonna talk all day, or are you comin' with us?" he finally shouts over her, properly gaining her attention. I giggle quietly at their sibling squabble.

"Sokka!" she exclaims gratefully.

Sokka gives me a quick glare then turns to Katara as she rushes up and gives him a hug. I was surprised when she grabbed my arm and pulled me into their embrace.

"Get in, we're going to save your boyfriend," I say to Katara.

"He's not my –," she tries to tell me otherwise. I give her a look then turn to Sokka smirking. He gives me a fist bump.

"Whatever," he shrugs, showing Katara that he's not convinced.

"Well, maybe this will give you and (y/n) some quality bonding time together," she says casually, crossing her arms while giving him a smug grin.

Sokka coughed and turned away for a second. I blushed furiously. C'mon Katara, why do you do this to me? He doesn't need to know about my stupid crush. It doesn't mean anything anyway, not that he'd even like me that way.

"What do you three think you're doing?"

Avatar The Last Airbender Reader Insert Book One: WaterWhere stories live. Discover now