part 2

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"Were here~~!" The lewd devil chants as he kicks the door open. Nam just sweat drops and follows him.

"Oh Ivlis-chan~ guess who I have with me today~" Satanick cheerfully waves an arm at the flame devil, who is sitting at his throne.

"Tsk! Not you again trash..." Ivlis grunts by the sight of The perverted devil. He was already annoyed earlier, just coz Satanick decided to pay him a little visit (mostly to torture him) just as he woke up.

Nam glances at Ivlis, and noticed a young toddler with the same hair as Satanick and familiar horns as Ivlis glaring at the lewd devil. Ivlis was glaring too but stopped when he noticed a familiar red head near the pervert.

".....Nam Retae?" He asks as Nam smiles at the flame devil.

"Lord Ivlis..." Nam walks passed Satanick. She stopped a few meters from the throne and politely bows at him.

"It's been a while, and uh...sorry 'bout the door" Nam sweat drops as she glanced at the broken door. She looks back at Ivlis, not noticing that the young demon was starting at her.

"*sigh* I'm used to it" he replied.

"Hehehehe~ Nam-chan~ meet Licorice!" Satanick butts in and points at the child who was sitting on Ivlis' lap.

Nam greeted politely, "hello there Licorice, my name is Nam Retae. Please call me Nam if you wish"

Licorice stares at her for a while, Nam notices his stare and smiles gently making the younger demon flinch and buries his face on Ivlis' chest with a light blush of embarrassment.

"why did you bring her here trash?" Ivlis said, quite annoyed.

"Ohohoho~" Satanick grins pervertedly making the flame devil shiver.

"Nam is here to take care of Licorice~" Ivlis looks at Satanick with a rather surprised expression. "Since Emalf is not here, I hired Nam-chan~"

Nam's pov

After mister Satanick told lord Ivlis about me babysitting Licorice, he instructed me to take care of the child until they get back. Then he started dragging Ivlis somewhere while I was left with Licorice in the throne room. I looked at him and noticed that he was glaring at where his father was dragging his mother.

"Hey Licorice..." I called out. He snapped out from his glare and looks at me. He faces me with a blank expression.

"Are you friends with papa?" He asks. I tried to hold myself from squishing his cheeks. HE IS SO CUTTEEE!!

"uh...I guess you could put it that way" I replied. Licorice's eyes starts to narrow. I started to sweat bullets. Man, this kid can be intimidating.

"Where was papa taking mama? Is he gonna hurt him again?" He said in a serious tone.

"U-um...I dont-- wait. Mister Satanick is hurting your mama?" I said the 'mama' part quite awkwardly.

"Yes...I hate papa"

"Oh...well. um. What do you wanna do while we're here?" I asked, trying to change the topic. I know mister Satanick behind his cheerful smiles. He's a sadistic murder and a freaking rapist! Miss Reficul told me about him, and of course if he knows what will happened if he tries to do anything funny. he know me behind my smiles.



" you..."


"....Have any...candy?" He awkwardly looks down at his feet and played with his fingers.

"Oh! Well..." I trailed off while I tried to take something from my bag. It was quite difficult to do so I just took it off instead and put it down the floor and kneeled next to it. Licorice followed me and peeked as I open the bag.

His eyes sparkled as he sees the bag, full of different kind of candy.

"You want some?" I asked. He nods and stick his hand in, trying to pick one. Until he pulled out a big purple lollipop. Wait....that's my favorite lollipop T^T NoOoooO

"Can i have this?" He asked, he noticed my expression.

"Um..." I was a bit sad but I brushed it off. Come on Nam! he's a kid! You probably ate an entire candy store already! Just give it to him. I smiled and nodded a yes.

He happily took a bite from the lollipop. He so cute!! I smiled once again and patted his head. He looks up at me, the candy still at his mouth. He seems surprised by the sudden contact.

"O-ops! By bad Licorice..." I apologized and quickly pulled my hand away. His gaze trailed to my hand (the one used to pat him). He takes it and puts it back on his head. I was a bit surprised by his actions. I smiled and slowly ruffled his hair. Licorice looks away and continues to eat his candy. I smiled at his adorable actions.

But soon I realized that we were still at the throne room and I was kneeling while Licorice was standing near me. Should we go to another room, where we could be more comfortable?....I don't know this place...but I'm sure Lico does.

"Hey Licorice?"

"Hmm?" He hummed in reply as he munched on the lollipop.

"You know a place here where we can relax? Like a living room or something?" I asked. Licorice looks at me for a few seconds then nods.

"Great!" I got up and picked up my bag.

"Follow me...Nam-nee-chan" I smiled as I hear what he addressed me. It's adorable.

"Alright, lead the way lico" he sticks his hand out for me to hold. I mentally awed and took his hand. A gentleman I see? *^-^*

To be continued...

[I'd like to answer a question some of you might ask.

Did Nam really eat a whole candy store?

*yes....and possibly everyone in it

Is there gonna be a next chapter?
*Yes there is ;)

Additional info:
Nam : *likes cute things

-author out!]

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