part 5

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".....ok....ok....I'll be waiting mister Satanick....fine...ok bye" Nam hungs up on her phone and starts to change her clothes, she just finished taking a shower when he called.

It's been two weeks, since her babysitting with Licorice somehow became daily. Nam didn't mind since she also gets paid daily and she just really enjoys taking care of the young demon. He seemed really childish when Nam is around and always tries to get her attention. Nam didn't mind this either, she even finds it cute.

Satanick told her that Licorice can freely change from his child form to his adult form and vise versa. But Nam just brushed it off; she never saw his adult form since she started babysitting him. So she thought that Satanick might be messing with her or something.

This time, Satanick asked if he could drop Licorice off at her place and just pick him up. Of course Nam asked Aix's permission and she agreed. Nam already knows the perverts intention to make Licorice stay as far as where his mother is. She is more surprised to know that Licorice agreed. Maybe because the child hates his papa for reasons that Satanick hurts Ivlis.

"Alright...they'll be here in a few minutes..." Nam checks her watch and walks out her room. When she reached the living room, she saw Alix bringing some sandwiches from the kitchen. Aix's house was a simple house, it had two bedrooms a living room, a small kitchen and one bathroom. It had a cute balcony and a small garden outside. It's simple, but cozy.

"Ai?" Nam called, catching the angels attention. Aix smiled and said, "I'm just preparing some snacks, I don't know what he'll like so I made different flavors"

"Haha, don't worry. I'll take care of the rest if ever he doesn't like"

"....hmm. I guess your like some living leftover trash can or something"

"Heyyy! Not true "

" is. You'll eat anything"

"Hmph!...anyway, thanks for your permission on letting Mister Satanick's son stay here for the day" Nam smiled. Aix is from a different world and fled to live in the gray world for a very long time. She was even present during the great war and fought alongside Etihw. She doesn't appreciate the flame devils attempt to kill Kcalb and hurt the citizens. So Nam is glad that Aix didn't mind the Flame devils son to come over.

"Of course, besides...the kid had nothing to do with what happened in the past. Plus he was born after the event so no problem" (i just assumed but I'm not sure?)

"Hehe your so nice Aix" Nam chuckles as her eyes slowly goes down to the sandwiches.

After a while....

"Nam no!!!" Aix yells as she tries to pull away Nam from the now half amount from what she made earlier.

"Just one more tini-wini bite!" Nam wines as she tries to reach out to the coffee table where the sandwiches are but fails as Aix gives a strong tug and tangles both her arms on either side underneath Nam shoulder, trying to keep her in place.

"You already had breakfast!!"



The two girls paused and glance at the door.


"......looks like they're here"

Aix signed and released Nam

"Make more snacks to cover up what you ate and don't eat them." She warned before walking over and opened the door, to see the pitch devil with a young demon next to him holding a small bag which Aix assumed that was Licorice.

"Nam-- ah! Alixandr--"

"Good morning Sir Satanick...and this must be Licorice" Aix cutts him off and looks down giving a smile to the child.

"H-hello" he said shyly

'Awwwe...Nam didn't lie about him being adorable though'

"Hi there...please come in"

"Oh! I have to leave~ lico, Please follow Alixa-chan inside and be a good boy OK~!" He kneeled down and pat Licorices head and gave him a purple lollipop. Licorice was glaring but still accepted the candy. Aix glares at the devil for using the... Other name to address her

"Bye~~ and have fun~~!" Satanick flashes a perverted smile before jumping into the portal he made. Obviously to where Ivlis was.

"Come on in Lico-kun. Nam's in the kitchen" Aix said while letting the demon child enter.

"Lico?" Nam's head pops up from the kitchen. Licorice quickly ran to her side and hugged her, Nam responds by hugging back with a smile.

"These two are adorable" Aix mumbles with a smile and closes the door.

"So..." Nam started as she breaks the hug. "...why don't you put your bag on the couch and wait for me to finish"

"Hey, you know what. I'll finish it." Aix offered and pushed Nam out the kitchen.

"If you say so" Nam shrugged and led Licorice to the couch where she took his bag and placed it near him where he sits.

"Are you hungry Lico?"

"....not really.."

"Well we'll be having lunch soon ok? for the mean time, how about we play some games" Licorice nods. Nam grabs some stuff like toys and some paper and colors.

"Alright! So, what do you wanna do first?"

To be continued...

Additional info:
Aix: *not originally from the gray world
*fought on Etihw's side during the great war
*easily catches up

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