part 3

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"Alright, lead the way lico" he sticks his hand out for me to hold. I mentally awed and took his hand. A gentleman I see? *^-^*

He started to walk in the halls as I silently followed him. We stopped at a door and Licorice let go of my hand.

" this your room Lico?" He nods in reply and opened the door. It was a big room with a king sized bed. There are some toys and a table with coloring materials. (I'm terrible at descriptions. Plus I have no idea what his room looks like I just made some up)

"Nice room you have here Lico!" I said as I put down my bag near the table by his bed and followed him. He sat on the table with colors and papers scattered around it. It had one chair so I just sat on the floor next to him. The table wasn't that tall so it's fine. It's enough for me to rest my shoulders on the table as I watch Licorice draw.

"What are you making Lico?" I asked. He showed me the drawing. It was Lord Ivlis.

"Oh! Is that for your mama?" I smiled in delight. He nodded and wrote "I love Mama" on the top of the paper.


"...well aren't you gonna draw your papa too?" He seems to be annoyed by the mention of his father. Then I realized my mistake.

"O-oh! You don't have to Lico..." I almost forgot that he didn't like his father. He started at me for a few seconds then grabbed a new paper and started to draw something. When he finished, he showed me a drawing of....a piece of shit? It was horns similar to Mister Satanick and a smile the same as his too

It had like 'poop' 'trash' and 'I hate you papa' and 'die'

Wow...his sons really hate him...I know that his other son, glasses hate him, and his other son hate him too? I'm starting to feel bad for the perv

" must really hate mister Satanick huh?" I sweat dropped. Licorice nods a bit irritated by the mention of his father. He was about to take another bite of his candy when he noticed that it was all out he looked at me and I smiled.

"I'll get some more Lico, just continue drawing" I stood up and walked to where I placed my bag. I brought all the candies since it was in a paper bag inside my bag, and walked back to where I was sitting before and put the bag on the table. Licorice quickly left his drawings and started to search the bag.

"Sorry if there is only one lollipop Lico. It ran out while I was buying some. I was lucky enough to get one though. I promise to bring some more next time" he looks up from the bag of sweets.

"Next time?" His eyes sparkled a bit.

Hmm...his eyes....are so familiar. Have I seen it before?..........nah! He does have familiar eyes with lord ivlis. I'm just over thinking things.

"Yes, if your father calls me. I'll take care of you again" I said cheerfully.

"....i-if mother calls that OK too?"

"Of course!" I said with a smile, then my eyes darted on the drawing he was working's me?

I smiled and glance back at Licorice, who was munching on the candies.



" know...I don't like my father that much either...." I said while looking up the ceiling, Licorice pauses from eating and looks at me.


"Mm-hm...he...well....did some things..." I said a little sad as I touched my broken horns.

Licorice's eyes widen. He slowly puts down the candies and got up from his seat. It surprised me, but I was even more surprised when he suddenly hugged me. I smiled and gently hugged him back while patting his head.

Sweet young Licorice...

After a few hours I managed to get him to bed. I played some bored games, we even played tag and hide and seek, and more. I cooked him some curry since he said he was hungry, then after a while I manage to make him clean himself before he slept.

It didn't take long before his parents got back. Let's say lord Ivlis didn't looked like he enjoyed himself while the opposite for the other.

"Ah~ Nam-chan~ where is Licorice?"

"In his room asleep mister Satanick" I replied.

End of pov

Nam walked closer to the perverted devil and then...




Ivlis stood at the corner, horrified by the scene. Satanick was on the floor with his blood everywhere. His arm is missing and also a part of his stomach.

Ivlis looked at the red haired demon sitting next to Satanick in horror as she continues to munch on Satanick's arm. Her calm eyes turned into bloodthirsty ones and her wings started to form into some kind of blop tentacles with big jaws, opening and closing like its waiting to be fed. Six of them in total.

Ivlis gulped, and gather the courage to speak.

"Nam..." he called.

Nam stopped eating and her hair started to cover her eyes. It didn't last long before her wings returned to Normal and her eyes were finally visible, It was back to its calm self. She stood up and dusted her now covered in blood dress.

"Sorry about that mister Satanick" she wiped some blood on her face "...but I lost a bet with your son" she smiled and open a portal. But before she could leave,

"I'll get my pay tomorrow at your place mister Satanick. Oh, and uh, sorry you have to see that Lord Ivlis"

Ivlis is still terrified. He knew this side of Nam, but he never witnessed it.

"B-bye Nam-chan~" despite his injuries, he still wears his perverted smile and waves at Nam, with his...uh other arm

"Bye" Nam said as she goes through the portal. Leaving and injured pervert and a scared airhead.




"...she's an interesting girl, huh~"

She just tried to f*cking eat you! Ivlis thought and sweat dropped.

To be continued =)

Additional info:
Nam : *both her horns are broken
*her relationship with her father is not so good
*occasionally hostile
*takes bets seriously

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