part 1

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WARNING: there may be some mistakes, so please bear with it. I'll fix it when I'm editing. Thank you

*insert some shitty ringtone*

Nam grumbles while sitting up and grabbed her phone. she was currently sleeping on the couch at her friends house who lives in the Gray World.

blinking her sleepy eyes she answers the call

"*yawn* yes...?"

"oh my dear Nam~~~~" the caller chants at the phone.

"Mister Satanick? this you?" Nam said, bored.

"yes indeed! listen, I have a job for you~~" Nam's face started to light up. the thought of getting some mun-muns is making her excited, but knowing it's a job from the lewd devil, her brows furrowed. "what 'kind' of job?"

"fuhuhuhuhu~ don't worry, it's not something you don't like. I promise~"

"it better be mister what's the job!?" Nam said the last part with excitement.

"oh, it's just babysitting"

"don't care. so where? Who? and Why?" Nam asked. she always asks for information before taking a job.

"I'll explain it on the way~ meet me at my place"


Nam Retae, a young half human half demon hybrid teenager. loves to eat and loves to take side jobs like this. Nam takes jobs from Gods, angels, demons, devils, witches and more! she is quite famous for completing a job that satisfies anyone who hires her.

Her schedule for her classes limits her to take one job a day

But since it's summer vacation, she can spend all her time with summer one time jobs.

"babysitting huh?" Nam said to herself as she grabs her bag pack.

she prepared some things just in case like food, clothes and weapons...but mostly food. Nam has a taste for all types of food. Aix, the owner of the house she's staying at, strongly disapproves her eating habits, saying that it's bad for her health

but she's friends with Rawberry and Raspbel so.... Yeah

"Nam? where are you going?" Aix called from her room as she walks out(of her room), stopping Nam at her tracks before she could leave.



"....a job...."

" it legal?" Aix teased

"Aix!" Nam whined

"pft! alright, alright! sorry...but seriously. what is it?"

"....babysitting..." Nam mumbled

"...from who?" the angel raised a brow




"if it's from that idiot--"

"What? no! it's not from who would he want me to babysit?"

"then who?"





".........A-aix?" the red head demon starts to panic but kept a calm face, she doesn't like it if Alix is mad.

"*sigh* just be careful around him, use violence if you have to" Nam smiled. She knew her friends hatred for the God, and thought that Aix might disapprove his brother and devil counterpart.

"thanks Al!" Nam hugs Aix and quickly ran out the door. Aix chuckles and turns her head at the couch. she shook her head and facepalmed.

"why won't she sleep at her room" Aix complained and picked up the scattered pillows and blanket from the ground near the couch.

at the pitch black realm

"mister Satanick..." Nam bowed at the tall male.

"Naaammmm~!!" the lewd devil hopped to hug the teen but she avoided just as he was about to glomp her making him fall on the ground head first.

"ow...that hurt Nam-chan~" Satanick teased. Nam only sweat dropped and grinned. the lewd devil got up and dusted his clothes. "anyway! back to business" he flashes Nam a (obviously perverted) smile.

"so who am I looking over?"

"my youngest son! Licorice!"

"wait, you have another son?" Nam said a little surprised. it has been a while since she visited the pitch black realm, so she is a bit late with some news here and there.

"can't Envi do it?"

"ehehehe....they're...not in good terms..." he scratched his head with a sweat drop.

"oh....i don't get! where's the little guy?" Nam said, she is quite eager to meet his son.

"oh! he lives in the flame world with is mother" Satanick's grin widens the moment he mentioned Licorice's mother.

" what I heard that you...and lord Ivlis having a child is real?" Nam's eyes widen.

"yep! Ivlis-chan and I had lots of fun making him. mostly me of course" Satanick said with a very perverted smile.

why the fq is he telling me this. Nam thought while sweat dropping. and how the hell do two dudes make a child?!..I have a lot to learn...

"i-im sure....? both...did..!" she said awkwardly while snapping her fingers.

"let's go then?"

"Wait. You might want to bring some sweets. Licorice love those!" Nam raised a brow and smiles with pride.

"All prepared Mister Satanick"

"Eh? You already have candies with you? My, my~ impressive Nam-chan~"

Fufufu brought some for my own consumption but ok

At the Flame World

"It's been a while since I last visited this place...." Nam mumbles quietly as she follows Satanick to the castle.

"Eehhh? Really Nam-chan? What were you doing here?" Satanick asked while skipping a little as they grew closer to the flame devils home.

"Jobs" Nam shrugs. They entered the castle and reached a certain door that leads to the throne room.

"Were here~~!" The lewd devil chants as he kicks the door open. Nam just sweat drops and follows him.

To be continued...

(Characters I own the rest belongs to their owners)

Aix :
*loves to tease Nam
*hates fumus
*scary if angered
*hates disorganised things

Nam Retae :
*loves to eat
*will eat anything
*loves part time jobs
*a resident of a different world, stays in the gray garden during vacation 
*(always) wears a calm face
*human/demon hybrid
*freely switch from human to demon and vise versa
*speaks in a polite manner

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