Sensitive to the Light (Chapter 16)

Start from the beginning

I tore my hands from his hair to grasp at his hoodie, unable to break away from his lustful gaze as I struggled to free the material from his shoulders, shredding it in the process before I wrapped my legs high around his back and yanked him down on top of me.  Pulling his lips from mine long enough to shoot me a devilish smirk, he grabbed my arms and flipped us both over so that I was straddling him, somehow losing my dressing gown in the process.

I had never wanted anything more than I wanted Callan as I stared down at him, at his perfect features and blood tinted lips slightly parted as he panted for breath.  I licked my lips in anticipation at the feel of him pressing up against my pubic bone through his tight jeans, discovering that my teeth had also begun to hone themselves into lethal points.

Taking advantage of my superior position, I released the button of his jeans with a flick of my fingers as he pulled his vest top over his head, leaving his hair in wild tangles across the bedspread.

“Are you sure you want to do this Daegan?” He whispered, “To lose your innocence to something like me?”

“There is nothing in this world that I want more,” I breathed.

He reached up to stroke my cheek as that irresistible smirk flickered once more over his features, “You realise this could possibly be considered to be Necrophilia, don’t you?”

I glanced downwards for an instant before dragging my line of sight back up, trying and failing miserably to pick my jaw back from off of the floor.

“Nothing dead has a... a... err... like that.

Oh good god almighty... Wow, and then some extra wow on top.

“How old are you Callan? Two can play at this game you know, I could say you’re a pedo-”

He silenced me with another breathtaking kiss, yanking my borrowed tee shirt up and over my head as he kicked off his jeans, flipping us over once again as he moved his attention away from my mouth.


He rained a painfully slow trail of grazing kisses down my jaw and over my collarbones before taking my right nipple between his teeth, teasing and nibbling as my nails tore bloody gouges down his naked back whilst I groaned in pleasure beneath him.  Moving his attention to my left breast, he continued his assault on my body and senses as he undid the knot I had tied on his pyjamas, sliding them gently over my feet and continued to move his mouth downwards, past my navel.

He spread my legs apart oh so carefully before lowering his mouth to my most sensitive area, moist and throbbing with need.  I was unable to quell the primal growl that burst forth from my throat as his tongue licked and probed, my entire body seizing and quivering over and over before he slipped his fingers inside of me and I threw my head back against the bed with a scream of pure pleasure.

I let out a disappointed moan as he moved back up my body again, his nails digging into my shoulders.

“Sure?” He asked again, I just nodded mutely as he grasped my hips in both hands and thrust into me.  I felt a fleeting pain as my virginity left me before he began moving rhythmically, touching and arousing parts of my body I never knew existed.

Pushing myself higher, I sank my fingernails into his shoulder blades until we were both upright on the bed as I kissed him greedily once more, tasting my desire on his lips as we toppled from the bed and crashed into the shattered glass on the floorboards.

“Oh Daegan,” he groaned out my name in pleasure, his movements becoming rougher, more urgent, more demanding as he picked me up, my legs wrapping instinctively around his waist as we smashed into the wall sending plaster flying from the impact.

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