Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

Nate's P.O.V.

As soon as Lexi leaves the house, Caleb, Chris and I all start to follow her. I've seen enough in these last few months to know that Lexi isn't ok right now. She was holding back a lot of emotion as she rushed out of here. She had every right to lose it at her mom, but she didn't do that. She was the bigger person. It's a terrible thing when the child behaves more like the parent than the actual parent does.

As we get to the porch, Lexi is speeding down the driveway with a cloud of dust trailing after her truck. The three of us alternate calling her cell, but she doesn't answer.

Chris asks, "Where would she go in a time like this?"

Caleb sighs, "Normally, she'd go to the lake. But that's in the opposite direction. The lake is on our property so I can't see her goin' there."

I shrug, "Maybe she's gone back to the motel?"

Chris shakes his head, "I don't think so."

James appears on the porch and he puts a hand on Chris' shoulder, "I'm sorry 'bout that, son."

"It's not your fault, sir."

"Maybe, maybe not. All y'all go lookin' for her and I'll talk to Elizabeth. That's not gonna be a fun conversation, so y'all best stay out of the way. Caleb, tell the guys to carry on workin' 'til they see me in the barn again. And tell 'em not to disturb me unless it's an emergency."

Caleb nods, "Yes sir."

Chris turns to Caleb and myself and states, "I'll go with Nate and start looking for Lex. Caleb, you can follow us after you've sorted out your workers. Is that ok with you guys?"

To be honest, I'd rather Chris go with Caleb right now. While I'm glad he stuck up for Lex, something isn't sitting right with me about them. I don't really want to have to pretend to be nice to him right now.

I say, "Maybe you should go with Caleb instead? You're more likely to get through to her..."

He shakes his head, "Caleb is her brother, so I'm sure she'll be more accepting of him if he finds her first. You're going to need my help if you find her before him."

Caleb agrees, "He's right, Nate. If she's as angry and upset as I think she will be, she'll probably rip your head off and then some without one of us as a buffer. Go on, time's a wastin'."

We get into my truck and head towards town in silence. After a few minutes, Chris sighs and then speaks.

"I'm sensing you don't really want to be around me right now..."

"I'm glad you defended Lex..."


"But nothin'. Let's just find her, huh? I'll have this discussion with her instead."

He continues to call her, but there's no answer, so he says, "Well, we've obviously got some time, so we may as well clear the air."

I don't say anything, so he continues, "You've obviously got something to say, otherwise you wouldn't look like you're chewing on some bees. Spill it."

"I know y'all were lyin' to Elizabeth."


"There's history between y'all."

"You're right; there is. But it's in the past and there's no point bringing it up now."

I clench my jaw and grip the steering wheel tighter. I'm not too pleased to hear that my suspicions are confirmed.

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