Good Enough || Peter Hale x Reader

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10: "Who told you you weren't good enough?"
20:  "Stop. Do not let anyone, ever, tell you that you are not good enough. Pick yourself up and tell them to shut the fuck up. Prove them wrong."

The thing with Peter Hale was that he was arrogant and self-absorbed

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The thing with Peter Hale was that he was arrogant and self-absorbed. He was materialistic and egotistical. However, it all seemed to be one huge façade. Well, not all of it, but the parts where it came to you or relationships in general.

It was more than obvious that he liked you. His eyes glimmered when you would walk into a room and he always at least smirked at one of your jokes even if you were the only one laughing. He liked you, a lot, but whenever you'd try anything with him, he'd act as though you weren't worth the time of day.

You know the story behind the Hale's. Fifty shades of fucked up. That's what hit you. Realizing you'd never seen Peter in an actual relationship with anyone in the years you've known him. It was always one-night stands, if you could consider them one-night stands with how quick Peter got rid of them afterward. It took a lot of watching him and talking to the other pack members to be sure you were right but you were. He did like you but he was holding back and you were tired of it. So, you waited until it was just you and him and maybe he'd let you in a little.

"What's wrong with you?" You quirk a brow as you lean against the counter, watching him get himself coffee.

He faces you with raised brows. "Nothing, I'm perfect. What's wrong with you?" He retorts, going back to his coffee.

"I'm serious."

"So am I." He huffs before walking away and into the living room.

"Hey!" You push against the counter and follow him.

"What?" He keeps walking, not bothering to turn around and face you.

"Who told you you weren't good enough?" You blurt the question out, knowing slow and steady was going to get you absolutely nowhere.

Peter blinks aimlessly staring at you while you stand behind the couch, him in front but not daring to sit. "What?" He asks after a few seconds of silence.

Your heart stops in your chest as you realize you've opened a can of worms that can't be closed. It's open and there's no going back so you take in a deep breath and shake your head. "All you do is have one night stands but you won't do anything more than smile at my jokes."

"Did you ever think it was you?" Peter comes back but the tone in his voice was off. The comment, normally, would have come off rude and would have deserved a slap but this was different. He asked to try and get you to drop it, offend you enough to let it go.

"I did, yeah," You nod. "At first, but you smile when I walk in a room and I'm standing here right now and no one is allowed here overnight unless it's like Derek or Malia, sometimes Scott but you let me stay all the time."

"That's what friends do, is it not?"

"Friends don't keep secrets, either, Peter." You cross your arms as you shrug.

"What makes you think I'm not good enough? You've made it your mission to tell me how arrogant I am almost every day." Peter suggests.

You nod and give him an understanding look. "Yeah, because you are but being arrogant when it comes to just you is different than dealing with actual people you give a shit about."

Peter lets out a deep sigh before taking a sip of his coffee, holding his head up after and tapping the mug with his thumb. "You're not letting this go, are you?"

"No." You shake your head once, your mouth in a straight line.

"I killed people, a lot of people and I have to say I'm still not very remorseful." Peter shrugs as if it's nothing. "But, there are others, that I wish I could say that about. I manipulate people and sometimes I don't mean to but it happens." He purses his lips with the words before taking another sip of his coffee. You raise one brow as he acts like this is just a normal conversation to have on a Sunday morning. "My brother hasn't been too fond of me in the past because of everything I've done. My daughter is just barely talking to me and let's be honest, it's only because I stayed with that Anuke-Ite shit and that's not even the tip of the iceberg. What on this earth makes you think people can just handle that?" Peter's voice rises just a little as if the question was a challenge for you.

"Because people can be understanding." Your voice stays level with the words.

"Yeah?" Peter scoffs. "That kid who tried killing everyone, how's that going?"

"Actually," You tilt your head with the thought of Theo. "Not iced out and Scott's coming around and he tried to kill Scott, in case no one filled you in fully."

"Well, Scott's an idiot." Peter retorts.

"So, if people look past your baggage, they're stupid?"

"You said it."

"I asked. You said it. And I know you, Peter, so why don't you just stop with the roundabout game and tell me who the hell made you think this way?"

"Why are you so concerned?"

"Because I like you and I know you like me."

"I'm not good enough for you." Peter spits the words out, catching the both of you off guard.

"What?" You nearly yell with furrowed brows.

"Someone a long time ago told me. Said I'd never been good enough for anyone and you're," Peter pauses as he tries to seem closed off, hating feeling vulnerable. "You're brilliant and too good."

"Stop., You shake your head and walk around to him. "Do not let anyone, ever, tell you that you are not good enough. Pick yourself up and tell them to shut the fuck up. Prove them wrong." Your jaw clenches with the words, a pang in your heart with every word. How dare someone tell him he's not good enough. "You are plenty good enough."

"What makes you so sure?" Peter questions, now looking down at you.

"You're telling me." You admit. "If you were still some heartless murderer or whatever, you wouldn't be telling me any of this. You wouldn't even be lying about it in order to protect that massive ego of yours."

With your words, Peter releases a soft chuckle. "You really do not give up."

"Of course not." You giggle. "I like you and you like me." You give him a confident smile.

"This conversation never happened." Peter shakes his head, moving to take a seat on the couch.

"Obviously." You roll your eyes and take a seat beside him.

"Well, in that case, it would be an honor if you would go on a date with me tomorrow. No one night stand, a date." Peter looks over, the smallest smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"I'd love to." You say softly.

"Thank you." Peter says, reaching for a blanket and laying it across the two of you.

"You're thanking me for saying I'd go on a date?"

"No, for calling me on my shit." Peter chuckles into his mug. "You're one of the few who have actually done it and been right."

"That why you like me?" You give him a cheesy grin to which he shakes his head, now fully laughing and draping an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his side.

"Yeah," He says, kissing the top of your head.

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