Chapter 12

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"SHUT UP!!!!" Upa screamed

Everyone quited down and stared at him


Liz thought about it then giggled, keeping it a secret for a little while longer won't hurt " Yes my little warrior"

"HA! YOU GUYS HERE THAT!" Upa said at the now pouting group

(Time skip)

They were all playing games, Eliza was playing billards with Trois and Nico while Musashi was playing darts with Honey and Uno

"Eli please go easy, I've lost two times now" Trois said

"Haha terribly sorry Trois but it seems Nico wants to learn, I am not really good at teaching so how about you teach him" She said

"Fair enough, Nico come here" Trois said teaching Nico the basics

Eliza went to Musashi, Honey, and Uno, she saw them bickering

"Everyone, what's wrong?"

The boys looked at her

"Well...They were getting me to try out darts but...I can't see so they to help me, but their explanations don't help" Musashi said

"I said hit the red dot!" Uno said

"You think I know where it is!!!"

"That's why I said straight ahead!!" Honey said

"You say straight ahead but I don't know if it's the height I'm thinking!!"

Eliza giggled at their bickering, she walked past the men and held Musashi's arm

"Eh?"Musashi curious to what she was doing, Eliza positioned it at the right height

"There you go Mushi, I aimed it now throw it" She said

Mushi smiled and threw it, the dart hit the bullseye, Honey and Uno cracked, to think a blind man can get a bullseye "Did I get it?"

"Yes, right in the bullseye"

"Really? Thanks!" Mushi said then hugged Eliza

"You are welcome"Eliza hugged back, Honey and Uno were glaring at the blind flame boy, they soon broke the hug, she then went to Upa

"My little warrior, what are you playing?" She asked

Upa turned his head and saw her, he smiled instantly and jumped at her, she caught him and carried him

"Liz-nee! I'm watching Qi play mahjong!" He exclaimed

"I see, Qi is Upa doing good" She asked, Upa was sweatin on what might Qi answer

"Hmm he does get mean sometimes but unlike before he quickly apologize now, I must say you're teaching him well" Qi said

Liz looked at Upa, Upa sweatdropped "I see, that means there would not be any punishment, and thank you for the compliment" She said, Upa sighed

Then Hajime spoke up "Hoy! Time's Up!!"

"Ehhhh?" Everyone but Liz complained

Everone then started complaing about the time at Hajime, an irk mark grew on Hajime's head and he punched someone not knowing who it is

"OW!" Hajime looked down to see Eliza crouching on the floor and clutching her haid

Hajime was about to apologize but was cut off by everyone


"Why'd you have to hit her!" Samon said

"Apologize to her" Kenshirou said

"Wai-" Hajime was about to explain but was cut off yet again

"Hajime, I never knew you were so cruel as to hit a girl" Uno said

"What kind of man is he?!" Honey asked Trois

"Liza, are you okay?" Musahi helped her up and rubbed her head gently, Liza nodded

"She just healed" Qi said

"HOW DARE YOU HURT LIZ-NEE!!" Upa said preparing to attack him but Liang was preventing him

"I DIDN'T DO IT ON PURPOSE! My apologies No.19, YOU HAPPY NOW!" Hajime said then punched the remaining inmates

All of them had bumps on their heads and is about to leave after bidding goodbye to eachother, but Musashi came and placed his hand on Eliza's head

"See you" He said

Eliza smiled "Yes, see you next time Mushi"

They then went back to their cell, Eliza watched the T.v about a certain news, she always watched that, she can't help but relate too much, after it ended she slept

(Next day)
Nico invited everyone from building 13 and 5 to his arcade room, Eliza just entered then she saw Upa

"My little warrior!"


Upa then came running towards me, he hugged me and she picked him up

"Liz-nee, there's a claw machine there, let's play"

Liz nodded and went to the claw machine, she saw everyone including herself as plushies, she placed Upa down and started playing, she got her plushie self and took it out

"Here you go my little warrior"She said giving Upa the plushie

"Eh? Why you?" Though he accepted it anyway and hugged it in his arms, he was still curious

"So that when I am not there with you, you can talk to the plushie"

Upa blushed but nodded and went off to play, Liz played a bit more, she played against Uno on an arcade game with characters

She won every single time with Upa jumping in joy behind her, soon the day ended and they all went back to their cell

(Next day)
Rock invited people from building 5 and 13 to eat pizza

Upa sat on Eliza's lap who sat next to Qi and Jyugo, across Liang, Rock,Uno, and Nico

"So Qi what other activities does my little warrior do?" Liz asked, she only really knows that he trains all the time

"Hmm now that you mention it, he doesn't, all he does is train and train" Qi answered lazily

Liz got a bit dissapointed "My little warrior, I do not want you to train always, do something else for a change"


"No excuses, you can seek help from Qi or Liang to help you find another interest, you will break your body if you continue that"

Upa pouted "Fine"

Liz smiled and continued eating pizza
And just like the other days, it went by fast, they went back to their cell and slept

Nanbaka fanfic: The LadyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora