Chapter 5

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It was time for woodwork, this day building 3 was doing it with us

Eliza was about to go to her seat to carve something, when suddenly two men came near her

"Why hello pretty lady, I am Honey, what's your name?" Honey asked

"I am Eliza, but you may call me Eli or Liz" she said

"Then we shall call you Eli, by the way I am Trois " Trois said

"By the way Eli, may I ask a question?"
Honey asked

"Yes, what is it ?" Eli asked

"What is the color of your underwear?" He asked

Eli went silent for a bit

"Honey, is that a proper question to ask a woman? Don't you know that is rude?" She asked a bit irritated

"E-eh? U-umm" Honey couldn't think of what to say

"Hey, Honey, apologize how ungentlemanly of you!" Trois said

"Shut up! You were going to ask the same question as well, anyway Eli I'm sorry" Honey said

"Apology accepted" Eli said the Kiji came up to them

"Hey boys back to work" Kiji said then he noticed Eliza

"Oh No.19, how are you?" Kiji asked

"I am fine Kiji, it seems you like standing out" Eliza said noticing his outfit

"Oh my, you noticed, well of course, you are a female, but what do you think about my makeup?" He asked

"A bit too much I must say, the natural look is always better" She said

Then Kiji thought of it for a second then nodded, and took the two boys

Eliza then went back to work, she decided to make an owl, when she was done she called Hajime

"Hajime, I am done" She said

"Ok let me see it" He said

Then Eliza showed her the owl

"Wow amazing, very good No.19" Hajime complimented

"Thank you very much" She said then went back to her cell

She watched news yet again, she can't help but relate to That Topic, but she heard noise outside her cell so she shut it off again

"No.19, lunch time! This time you have visitors from building 5, so you'll be sitting with them" Seitarou said

Eliza nodded then went to the cafeteria, she saw Samon, Liang, Upa, and Qi frozen in time


When Eliza entered, the people from building 5 were speechless, she was again, breathtaking in every way

Just as they were thinking how beautiful she was there thought were cut off

Eliza walked to them

"Hello everyone" She said cutting them off their thoughts

"H-hi "they said

Eliza went near Upa and carried him like a child

"Wha!" Upa was shocked

"Oh I am very sorry, you are jus so adorable Upa" she said while sitting down with him still on his arms

Upa just blushed

"Aww Upa is shy" Qi said teasing Upa

"Shut up Old man!" Upa said in embarassment

Eliza took notice of his attitude and scolded him

"Upa" she called him

"Yes?" Upa looked at her

"Is that a nice attitude? Qi is older than you, you should have a bit more respect, and he is not that old, I can tell he is in his earle twenties" Eliza said

Upa felt a bit guilty now, no one really scolded him for that

"Now Upa apologize to Qi" Eliza said

"S-sorry Qi" Upa said but still not looking his way

"Apology accepted" Qi said

Liang and Samon were shocked to see Upa apologize, they know he doesn't do that at all

Eliza then put Upa down next to her and patted his head

"Very good Upa" She said the Upa blushed

"Aww Upa is blushing" Qi teased again

Upa got a bit angry but Eliza put a hand infront of him to stop him

"Qi" Eliza called

"Yes Liz?" He looked at her

"You are in fault too, you are a grown man yet you tease a child like that, you should know better, shame on you" Liz said

Qi sweatdropped, never in a million years who he think that he will be scolded by a girl

Liang, and Samon are trying their very best not to laugh at his situation but failing

"S-sorry Upa" Qi said

"It's fine" Upa said

Eliza smiled but remebered the other two laughing

"Liang, Samon" She called

"Yes Eliza/No.19?" They said

"Both of you were laughing earlier, I was only teaching them better manners yet you laugh at them, what if they mistook it for you teasing them? they might then come back at you, and you to them, it will not end, so I suggest you change that" Liz said

Liang and Samon sweatdropped

"Y-yes we understand" They said in unison

Liz smiled that everything was taken care off

"Now let us eat" she said

They nodded and began to eat

In the middle of eating, Upa was a bit messy and had some food stuck at his cheek, Eliza took notice

"Upa, you must try to not get food on your cheek, do not eat too fast" Eliza said

Then she got her handkerchief and wiped Upa's cheek

"Here keep it" She said giving him the handkerchief

"Thank you" Upa said shyly

Liang, Samon, and Qi were watching in envy as they eat, they sometimes purposely put food on their cheeks for Eliza to notice

"Goodness, the three of you are all grown men yet you can't eat properly?" She asked

They sweatdropped and wipped their own cheek then proceeded eating

Then Eliza turned to Samon

"Samon, may I come to your building with you after eating, I have training clothes now, I would like to come and excersice with Liang and Upa" She said

He nodded then went back to eating

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