Chapter 16

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Eliza and Momo continued to sit for tea then Mitsuru came "Hey! Hey! Warden and little rabbit!"

Momo almost choked on her tea "Mitsuru! Knock before you enter! And don't be disrespectful towards Eli!"

Eli giggled "all is fine Momo"

Mitsuru then ran and picked her up from her sit and started hugging her in his arms "Yey! Little rabbit is fine with me! You're so adorable I want to hug you all day!"

Eli giggled and grabbed onto his shoulders to not fall, but was them stopped by Momo "All right Mitsuru that's enough!"

Mitsuru pouted and stopped, he gently placed her back to her seat, Eli went back to her tea "Mitsuru care to join us?"

"Little rabbit I don't want to refuse it but I still need to go somewhere" Mitsuru said

"Where is that?" Eli asked

"To mess with the others hahahah! Bye Little rabbit" Mitsuru left, Momo was left in confusion while Eli smirked


(In the guards room)

Mitsuru burst in "Hey everyone!"

"Shut up" hajime said

"What do you want?" Samon asked

"Well being the one in charge of the cameras and all, I sorta know what you talked about before I came" he said

They tensed up the Kenshirou asked "do you know something about No.19?"

"Oh I do, Warden, No.634, the doctors, and me knows things about her"

"Then can you tell us about her? Like is she really from Elirian kingdom?" Kiji asked

"Hmm.....If I say yes, what will you do?"he asked

"So... she really is from that place.... what is her position?" Yamato asked

Mitsuru laughed " Hahaha! I never answered the first question you know, besides, the little rabbit might get mad if I tell all so I'm just going to give some hints, she is from the atlanta palace, and her status is hidden from people outside the Elirian kingdom" then he left as suddenly as her arrived

The guards were left more with more questions on their mind now

(The next day)

Kenshirou allowed Musashi to go to the game room so he can answer their questions

"Nice to be back here, but where's Liza?" Musashi asked

"Not here, but we have questions for you about her" Hajime said

"Yeah like who is she?" Samon asked

"She's Eliza don't you know?" Musashi asked

"Come on Musashi, we know you know what he ment" Jyugo said

Musashi sighed "...she's being released isn't she?" The guards flinced " I knew it, she must have had enough of you guys, I'm assuming you saw how easily your warden submitted to her"

The guards were shocked that he knew and the inmates were shock of the news

Musashi continued "I can't really say much since that might get me into more trouble but....... she didn't really commit a crime"

"W-what?" Kenshirou asked confused like everyone in the room

"You heard me, she didn't commit any crime, if you're wondering why I know this it's because I was given a letter about it, but even without the letter, I know she isn't capable of commiting a crime, even you guys didn't at first"

"T-true but why is she here?" Upa asked

"Simple. She blames herself for it and insisted on being in jail to attone for the sins she didn't make" Musashi said

"But what about escaping?" Honey asked

"She had enough of people in the prison, sexually harrasing her, and being mean when they found out her crime, but she didn't want to abuse her position in Elirian kingdom, so she did it upon herself to escape on her own, but now she must have had enough of all of it, ordering the warden and such, she must be angry right now"Musashi said

"Yes I am" they turned their heads and saw Eliza standing at the doorway

"Liza" Musahi came to her and gave her a big hug

"Mushi" Liza returned the hug the pulled away

"Why are you here? I thought you were released?" Mushi asked

"I came for you, I am bailing you out, my boat will arrive in a few days so just hang in there"

"Liza, you don't have to do did nothing so you should be out...and even though I was framed I still fought some guards and caused a fire here and there"

"It is but the least I can do, plus I wanted to answer there questions" She said glaring at them

She went to sit on a couch with Mushi next to her "so who will ask first?"

"I will, who are you?" Hajime asked

"I am Elizandra Aganea Bella Celeste" She answered with no hesitation

"What is your position in the Elirian kingdom?" Samon asked

"I, Elizandra Aganea Bella Celeste, am the crown princess of the Elirian Kingdom"

"W-WHAT?! CROWN PRINCESS??!?!?!" Everyone but Musashi and Eliza said

Nanbaka fanfic: The LadyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora