Chapter 9

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Victoria was flying along Tony, in something like a surfboard, heading to the Tower. The others were on the way in the jet. Tory didn't have a suit, so she was forced to use a S.H.I.E.L.D tight catsuit. One exactly the same as Natasha's. She wasn't really fond of the idea, but no one would let her fight in jeans and a leather jacket.

"Is that Doctor Selvig?" Tory asks when they are getting near the Tower. In an empty space, outside the building, Selvig activates the CMS device that held the Tesseract. 

"Shut it down Doc!" Tory shouts, trying to be louder than the noises around her. 

"It's too late! It can't stop now. He wants to show us something! A new universe," Doctor Selvig screams back, narrowing his eyes at the sun, to look at the two siblings.

"Okay," says Tony's robotic voice. He lifts his arms and fires at the device. The energy he fired blasts and Selvig falls backward. Tory and Tony lose their balance for a second, before looking at the device in disbelief. It was unharmed.

Tory looks up at the glass wall of the common area at the Stark Tower. There, Loki stands, looking at NY.

"We don't have time for this now," Tony says and flies to his landing stop at the balcony. JARVIS starts unsuiting him and he walks to the bar.

"What are you doing?" Tory asks through her earpiece. She watches, as Tony pours himself a drink and starts chit chatting with Loki.

Loki walks near the bar and both men begin talking like a war wasn't going to happen. Tory looks at the Tesseract. It's spinning faster each time. Out of a sudden, she hears glass shattering. Looking at the Tower, she sees one of her brother's suits flying down. She follows it and finds Tony suiting up in an Iron Man suit. He flies back to the hole in the middle of the glass wall, where Loki is standing, angry.

"And there's one other person you pissed off! His name was Phil," Iron Man says and fires at the God before he could react.

Out of the Tower, where Selvig is still on the floor, the Tesseract's energy beams into the sky. The beam forms a vortex, which opens a portal. Suddenly, the Chitauri start coming from space. Tory looks at them, wide-eyed.

"What the fuck!" she mutters, ordering the nanobots around her to form heavy balls. She places one in each hand. The aliens start shooting and destroying everything in their way.

"Right... Army," Tony yells and flies away, throwing missiles, shooting at the creatures. Tory does the same thing with her balls but quickly gives up on using her nanobots as weapons. They weren't exactly designed to fight aliens from other planets. She was more of a combat fighter.

"Stark, we're heading northeast," Black Widow announces. Tory took off from the ground, just as the jet appears in the sky.

"What, did you stop for drive-thru? Swing up park, I'm gonna lay 'em out for you," Iron Man says.

Tony appears with a bunch of chitauri following him. He leads them to Natasha, who just starts firing at them with the quintet's weapons. Tory hears a sound behind her. She turns her head and comes face to face with three aliens, pointing guns at her.

"Okay then," she mumbles and throws two of her balls at the chitauri that is on the end. They both fall to the ground. The one that's in the middle fires at her, but she dodges, and gives two quick steps ahead, taking the weapon of one of the nocked out alien, and shoots at the one standing right next to her. When she gets to her feet, five more are surrounding her. Tory jumps on her boards in one movement and fires at the creatures as she flies away.

"Okay... So little Stark can fight," Tory hears Clint's voice through the comms.

"Shut up Barton," she yells and spots people struggling with some of the Chitauri.

Meanwhile, on the quinjet, Hawkeye and Black Widow are shooting at the flying carriages the Chitauri are conducting.

"See them," Romanoff says aiming the guns at Thor and Loki, who are fighting at the balcony of the Tower. Before she can shoot, Loki lifts his scepter and shoots a blast of energy at the quinjet. The jet catches fire. With one wing, the Hawk manages to land without crashing badly.  Captain America is in the back. The ramp goes down and the trio walks out, looking around. 

"Tony, they've landed," a voice says. They all look to the right, where Tory is just landing and walking up to them. 

"So you always knew how to kick ass?" Romanoff asks, looking at the cuts Tory already had in her face. 

"It's not the time for chit chat now Natasha," she answers. Before the other woman can say anything, a loud noise comes from the sky. The four of them look up to see what seemed like a gigantic whale robot. A hundred soldiers jump from it to the buildings.

"Stark, are you seeing this?" Cap asks, still looking at the huge animal. 

"I'm seeing, still working on believing. Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?" Tony answers.

"Banner?" Rogers questions, confused.

"Just keep me posted," Iron Man adds.

The four of them start helping people trapped in cars and busses. Some Chitauri approaches Clint, while he's helping some children get out of a bus. Tory, quickly throws two balls at them. The aliens look at their fellow friends on the floor. That moment of distraction was enough for Tory to take down the other three. Clint looks at her, and they both jog to where their other two teammates are.

The Widow and Cap are taking cover on some taxis that were abandoned. Nat holds her gun up, ready to shoot. Before Tory takes cover in another taxi with Hawkeye, she throws some of her nanobots balls at the aliens.

"How does that thing work?" Barton asks Tory, who is breathing heavy in her spot, pointing to the sensor in her head.

"If we survive this, I let you ask me anything you want... but now, not the time," she shouts, before getting up and attacking some more of the creatures.

"That people need assistance," Captain America shouts. Nat looks at him.

"We've got this. It's good. Go!" she screams. He runs to where Clint is, taking his arrows, with Tory just behind him, looking over everything, shooting at an alien that gets close.

"You think you can hold them off?" Steve asks Barton.

"Captain, It would be my genuine pleasure!" Clint answers and shoots one arrow at the head of an upcoming chitauri. Cap races over to the plaza, jumping over dozens of exploding cars.

Clint runs over to another bus full of people, opening the door for them.

"Go. Go," he says as people run for their lives, screaming and crying.

The women are behind a car and shooting and attacking at the aliens that try to get close. Not a minute later, Barton is at their side, shooting his arrows.

"Just like Budapest all over again," Nat yells, firing.

"You and I remember Budapest very differently," the archer answers, with wide eyes. By his side, Victoria starts laughing.

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