Chapter 10

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"Huh!!" I yell, trying to sit up but I was held down by someone. I look over, four doctors were holding my limbs down. I started to squirm, "Let me go!!" I scream, shaking even more.

"Kid stop!" I stop shaking and look at him. "Your here for a reason."

"Why! I wanna leave! Where's Deniz!"

"We stitched up your forehead and cheeks, you seem better now."

"Why! I liked the way I looked! I want to forever smile! I want to forever be happy!"

"And this is why you're here!!" He yells back, scaring me, "Your parents got killed just across the street from here, does that make you happy?!"

"NO!!! Let me go!!" I yell, tears streamed down my face, making my cuts sting.

"Let him in." The doctor says to another by the door.

I glance at the doctors holding me down, they weren't normal doctors from a hospital or a doctors visit.. They were.. Different.. They had face masks and wore gloves that you couldn't break through by biting.. What is this place?

The room walls were plain white and looked squishy.. Like cushion.. I quickly slip one of my arms out from the doctors grip and touch it behind me, it was squishy.. What the hell.. The floor was the same, plain white, no design, no lines to separate the tiles..

I looked at the door the doctor was about to open, it wasn't a normal wooden door, it was.. Metal.. There was a small window too high for me to see through, but when she opened the door, it hit me..

I'm in a freakin mental hospital...

There was Deniz standing by the door with a cast on his right arm, tears streaming down his bright red face, red eyes from crying, and dark bags under his red eyes.. He hasn't slept in so long.. How long was I out?

He steps into my room and I saw Security guards standing in front of each door.. Why am I hear? I'm not insane? Merve was.. Not me.. No.. Never.. "Deniz?" I say, as the doctor takes my arm again. Each of them put my ankle or wrist in to a strap to hold me down. "What the heck!! Let me go!!" I yell, wanting to get out of the straps. "Deniz! Answer me!" He turns his head away from me. Tears stream down my face even more, "Please.." I say.

"I.. I'm sorry Ender.."

"About what?"


"W-what?" I stutter, tasting the tears that seeped through my stitches.

"I-I didn't know.. About your problems.. About your insanity..."

"What? I'm not insane!!"

He bites his lip, still not looking at me, "Yes you are.."

All of the sudden I had this urge to throw up.. "How." I burst out, "How am I insane?" He doesn't answer me, "How!! Answer me!! I want to know!! I want an answer!!" I yell, trying to get out of the restrains.

"I donno ok!? I'm not the doctor's!! I'm not your brain!! I didn't make you!! We don't even have proof that we're siblings!!" He yells, making me cry, "I-I'm sorry Ender.. It's not me.. It's you.." He says, walking out.

"What!!!?? How is it me!!? Deniz!! Get back here!! Answer me!!" I yell, tears streamed down my face.

Deniz runs out of the room and the doctor shuts the door behind him, "That's why." The doctor says, cracking his knuckles and walking over to me. He grabs a shot from a trey near my bed and smiles, "Goodnight Ender." He jabs the shot in my arm, making me wince, and he puts every last drop from the tube into my arm. Before I pass out, I see him grab a knife..

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