Chapter 6

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"Hey! Wait for me!" I hear someone say, I look up once I hit the water. I see the girl from the cafeteria falling towards me. I manage to swim away from her before she gets in the water.

"Hey, u can't leave without me."

"Yes I can." I mumble, swimming faster.

"You know, I know why u did that." I ignore her and continue swimming. "I know why u cut ur face." She repeats, swimming closer to me.

I thought of drowning her, stabbing her again, and feeding her to the sharks, but I didn't. I look at her beside me, she had tan skin with brown eyes and long black hair. To me, she looked insane, but I donno, I'm not her, I donno her story.

"U wanted to be the joker!" She says, laughing creepily after.

'Yup, she's definitely insane, woo' I thought, swimming away from her to have a five foot distance between us. "Yes, I made it." I mumble to myself, walking on the land, relieved.

"Hey, we made it!"

I continue to walk up the stairs and onto the road, realising I was out in the open, I needed to hide.

"Hey, what are u d.."

"Shut up." I whisper, looking around to make sure we're not being watched.

"What?" She whispers back playfully, with the same insane laugh after.

"Why do u do that?" I ask her, starting to walk down the street.



"Everyone does!"

"Not the way u do, u sound fucking insane."

"Thank u!" She says, starting to skip.

"Stop." I mumble, shivering.

"What? This?" She asks, starting to make a scene.

I sprint away from her and enter a store. I walk quickly through the aisles, looking for new clothes and hoping no one saw that I had a machine gun. I hear her enter the store, so I grab random clothes and run to the bathroom, nearly slipping. I quickly put them on, rip the tags off and casually walk out of the men's room. I grab a random pair of shoes and slip them on.

"Hey, kid! You need to pay for that!" The cashier yells at me. I shoot him and everyone else in the store then start running down the street.

"Hey, wait for me!" Merve yells, running to me.

"Stop! Go somewhere else, you're gonna give me away!" I yell, running faster.

"I won't! She yells at me.

I quickly turn into an alleyway and climb up a latter. I find a vent and bust it open with the barrel of my gun and crawl in it. I close it before Merve comes back and start to crawl through the vent. I continue to crawl until I see a light from an opening. I look through it and find out it's an apartment. I bust it open and jump down onto the couch.

"Hey! Get out of my house!" I hear someone yell. I turn and look at them, it was a young man, with a baby face and dirty blond hair. He didn't seem to like visitors, but I quickly hide my machine gun and hop over the back of the couch.

"Please mister? Can I stay with you? I'm an orphan with nowhere to go.. No family.. No one.." I say, accidentally making myself cry.

He looks at me with pity, "How old are you?"


"What's wron.. Never mind." I knew what he was going to say, I tried to ignore it. "I guess." He says, sighing and trying to ignore the fact that I just jumped from his vent. "The couch that u jumped on is a bed also, so u can sleep there."

"Thank you." I say, wiping my tears.

"I'll be in my room if u need anything." He says, gently closing his bedroom door. I hide the gun under the couch and pull out the bed. He opens the door and looks at me, "You can help yourself to anything in the cabinets or fridge." He says. I get up from the floor and start to walk to the kitchen. "Oh and kid? What's your name?"

"Ender." I answer, "What's yours?"

"Deniz." I nod as he closes his door again and I open the fridge.

It was filled with all of my favorite foods, I didn't know what to eat until I spotted a cake. I lift it up and start to examine it, it was my favorite kind of cake, chocolate on half and vanilla on the other. The frosting was a mix of vanilla and strawberry. I always loved to have a slice with both flavors.

Deniz walks out with pjs on and looks at me examining the cake. "Do u want a slice?" He asks me.

I nod, excited to eat my favorite cake in the world. My mom made it for me all the time, I haven't had it in so long.. Ayla gave me bland, store bought cakes for my birthday, that's why I lied to them and told them I hated cake.

He pulls out a knife and starts to cut me a piece, "Ya know, my brother loved this kind of cake."

"You have a brother?" I ask, I didn't know anyone else liked this cake.

"Yeah.. He was a picky baby, on his first birthday, we had to give him all of his favorite types of cake and frosting, which came up to be this."

"Where is he now?" I ask, wanting to meet him.

"I.. I donno."

"Oh.. Sorry.. What happened?" I ask.

"Here kid." He says, handing me my cake.

"It's ok if u don't want to talk about it."

Ender's Origin StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant